Immunization Requirements
Letter to Parents/Guardians:
Immunization Requirements for 7th Grade Entry
*Updated 05/31/2022

Immunization Requirements
To be admitted to school, children must be fully immunized in accordance with law. Children shall be excluded from school or exempted from immunization requirements only as allowed by law.
California schools are required to check immunization records for all new student admissions at TK/Kindergarten through 12th grade and all students advancing to 7th grade before entry. Parents must show their child's Immunization Record as proof of immunization.
Students Admitted at TK/K-12
Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTaP, DTP, Tdap, or Td) — 5 doses
(4 doses OK if one was given on or after 4th birthday. 3 doses OK if one was given on or after 7th birthday.)
For 7th-12th graders, at least 1 dose of pertussis-containing vaccine is required on or after 7th birthday.
Polio (OPV or IPV) — 4 doses
(3 doses OK if one was given on or after 4th birthday)
Hepatitis B — 3 doses
(not required for 7th grade entry)
Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) — 2 doses
(Both given on or after 1st birthday)
Varicella (Chickenpox) — 2 doses
These immunization requirements also apply to students entering transitional kindergarten.
Students Starting 7th Grade
Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Tdap) —1 dose
(Whooping cough booster usually given at 11 years and up)
Varicella (Chickenpox) — 2 doses
(Usually given at ages 12 months and 4-6 years)
Additional school immunization requirements for 7th graders typically apply to students who:
Previously had a valid personal beliefs exemption filed before 2016 upon entry between TK/Kindergarten and 6th grade, or
Are new admissions, including from out-of-state; applies to all grades.
Medical Exemptions
Starting January 1, 2021, the CAIR-ME website must be used for new medical exemptions
The California Department of Public Health has launched the California Immunization Registry–Medical Exemption (CAIR-ME) website to request, issue, manage, and track medical exemptions from required vaccines for children attending school or child care facilities. CAIR-ME was created in response to laws passed in 2019 (Senate Bills 276 and 714).
Once you receive a new medical exemption from an incoming enrollee, you may request access to CAIR-ME by emailing You will be able to look up medical exemptions in CAIR-ME for children attending your school or facility.
CDPH may revoke exemptions in CAIR-ME that do not meet national standards. Schools, child care facilities and parents will be notified if an exemption is revoked.
Please visit to see updated medical exemption FAQs and additional information about immunization requirements.