Specialized Physical Health Care Services

Specialized Physical Health Care Services (SPHCS) means those health services prescribed by the student's licensed physician which are necessary during the school day to enable the student to attend school. These services include diabetes, nebulizer, catheterization, gastric tube feeding, suctioning, tracheostomy, and other services. (California Education Code 49423.5; 5 CCR 3051.12)

The licensed physician of the student with disabilities who is required to receive physical health care services shall provide a written statement detailing the procedure and time schedule by which such procedures are to be given. In addition, the student's parent/guardian shall provide a written statement indicating his/her desire that the district assist the student in the matters set forth in the physician's statement and granting consent for the delivery of such services. (5 CCR 3051.12)

If your student needs these services please contact the School Nurse or School Site Staff for more information.