AT in the IEP

When the team determines a student requires assistive technology services or devices to meet Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE),  AT needs to be documented in the IEP under special factors and the program summary section. Please note if you are trialing a specific AT device or tool, please  include the information in the present level of functional performance.

Documenting AT in Special Factors

Check “Yes” for Question 4 (“Does the student require assistive technology services or devices?”). State item, piece of equipment, product system or the service the student needs to increase, maintain or improve the student’s functional capabilities. Also, discuss if the student requires accessible education materials (AEM) to access, use and derive meaning from age or grade level standard printed text. 

Documenting AT in Supplementary Aids and Services

Include each aid, service, and other support which are provided to enhance or allow the least restrictive environment for the student.  Assistive technology is most logically included in the IEP as a Supplementary Aid when it provides more independence and requires little instruction in order to be used effectively. 

Tips for Including AT in Special Factors and Supplementary Aids and Services

1.  Avoid writing specific brand names in the IEP.   

There are many AT solutions that do the same job and we do not limit solutions by product name.  We may find a better or cheaper solution or the student may move to a district where another similar solution is used.  Try some of the wording below for ideas.

2.  Describe

Describe what is already in place and working effectively for the student as documented by student data. 



Documenting AT in Program Summary

AT services should primarily be placed under Program Modifications and Supports since the support IEP team members receive from the AT support staff benefits the student using AT. Describe the services with a statement such as, “Consultation/collaboration/training/observation regarding AT needs/equipment.” The amount and frequency would be the amount of time the IEP team determines appropriate for the student’s needs. 

AT services can also be placed under Related Service. Please note there are specific and limited circumstances that AT services are included  as a related service. If you feel “Program Modifications and Supports” do not meet the needs of the student and staff, reach out to the AT support person. Please note a goal/objective is typically needed that focuses on AT use relating to a specific skill if AT services are a related service. The related service is provided by an IEP team member. The AT staff member could coach the IEP team, if deemed necessary.  Again, the amount and frequency would be the amount of time the IEP team determines appropriate for the student’s needs.

If the student is receiving AT as an instruction, include in the Goals and Objectives section and under Specially Designed Instruction

Other AT in the IEP Topics:

Formal Evaluations:

A formal evaluation does not need to take place for AT services to be included as a related service. A formal AT evaluation can be completed  during an initial or re-evaluation when the IEP team needs to collect additional information. This evaluation can range from review of records (i.e. from outside trials/evaluations) to trialing various AT equipment.

Attendance of Meetings:

The AT staff member does not have to attend the IEP meeting, nor is a required member. The AT staff member should be listed under participant(s) that are optional, not required at the meeting.  This is true if the student receives AT as a related service or the service is listed under program modifications and supports.