AT IEP Goal Examples

Assistive technology is included in the IEP  to assist the student in meeting his/her goals.  When writing the IEP, think about what you are using the technology to accomplish. 

The most important part in writing in assistive technology into the IEP is to make sure that it is written in.  Items written into the Program Summary section are items that have already proven to work for the child and are not things that you are trialing (if the student is trialing AT, include this in the present level). The following are some examples:

Supplementary aids & services:

Access to a portable dynamic display device for visual schedule and communication

GOAL- No goal, this access assists student in meeting goals 

Present Level: Student uses an iPad for completing his daily routines and communicating his wants and needs.  He requires minimal prompting and re-direction.

 Related Service:

Access to portable dynamic display device for communication

GOAL- Augmentatively or verbally, Student will request objects or activities using 2-3+ word utterances in 80% of opportunities.

Present Level- Student currently uses an iPad to request objects and activities.  He requires verbal and visual prompts to complete.

Specially Designed  Instruction:

Instruction in word processing

GOAL- Using a computer, Student will type using correct keyboarding techniques in 80% of opportunities.

Present Level:  Student currently uses a hunt and peck technique to type.  He does not know how to use correct keyboarding techniques.