AT Process

What is Assistive Technology?

Assistive technology is any tool or device that a student uses to perform a task that he or she could not otherwise do or any tool that the student uses to do a task more easily, faster, or in a better way.  It may be a simple "low tech" device such as a pencil grip or an expensive "high tech" device such as an iPad. (Wisconsin DPI, 2015)

AT Services

AT services means any service that directly assists a student with a disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of an assistive technology device

AT Decisions

Decisions for assistive technology are a TEAM decision.   ALL team members (i.e. teacher, parent, OT, PT, SLP) discuss the following: 

WATI Resources - The mission of the the former Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative Development Team was to assist early intervention agencies, school districts, and their partners to provide assistive technology by making training and technical assistance available through our development of new and updated materials related to the provision of assistive technology tools, and services.