[P.D.F_book]@@ The Emperor of Wine The Rise of Robert M. Parker Jr. and the Reign of American Taste E-books_online

by Elin McCoy

The Emperor of Wine: The Rise of Robert M. Parker, Jr., and the Reign of American Taste

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Author : Elin McCoy

Pages : 384

Publisher : Ecco

Brand :

ISBN : 0060093692

Publication Date : 2006-7-25

Synopsis: This is the story of how an American lawyer raised on Coca-Cola caused a revolution in the way wines around the globe are made, sold, and talked about.The world's most influential wine critic, Robert M. Parker, Jr., has dominated the international wine community for the last quarter century, embodying the triumph of American taste. Using Parker's story as a springboard, author Elin McCoy offers an authoritative and unparalleled insider's view of the eccentric personalities, bitter feuds, controversies, and secrets of the wine world. She explains how reputations are made and how and why critics agree and disagree, and she tracks the startling ways wines are judged, promoted, made, and sold -- while painting a fascinating portrait of a modern-day cultural colossus who revolutionized the way the world thinks about wine..

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