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by Richard B Spence

Wall Street and the Russian Revolution: 1905-1925

Author : Richard B Spence

Pages : 288

Publisher : Trine Day

Brand :

ISBN : 1634241231

Publication Date : 2017-6-21

Synopsis: Wall Street and the Russian Revolution will give readers critical insight into what might be called the “Secret History of the 20th century.” The Russian Revolution, like the war in which it was born, represents the real beginning of the modern world. The book will look not just at the sweep of events, but probe the economic, ideological and personal motivations of the key figures involved, revealing heretofore unknown or misunderstood connections. Was Trotsky, for instance, a political genius, an unprincipled egomaniac, or something of each? Readers should come away with not only a far deeper understanding of what happened in Russia a century ago, but also what happened in America and how that still shapes the relations of the twocountries today..

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