DCHS IB Program Continuation Policy and Contract: This document explains expectations of IB program students and includes a contract to be signed by all students and parents relating to these expectations. All of the policies below are encompassed by the Continuation Policy. 

DCHS IB Program Academic Integrity Policy - Honesty and integrity are cornerstones of an IB education and successful global citizenship. Our program expects students to hold themselves to high standards of honesty and integrity. 

DCHS IB Program Admissions Policy - Our admission process is merit-based but open to all students regardless of background. 

DCHS IB Program Inclusion Policy - The DCHS IB Program supports students with diverse needs. 

DCHS IB Program Assessment Policy - Our program teachers use many assessment forms coupled with research-based teaching and learning techniques.

DCHS IB Language Policy - The IB Program at DCHS supports the development of students' second or third languages as part of the Diploma Program. Students who are native speakers in a language other than English are also supported through this policy. 

DCHS IB Program Student and Parent/Guardian Appeals Policy - If students or parents/guardians would like to appeal program decisions or official scores issued by the International Baccalaureate Organization, this policy outlines the steps they should take.