Titanic Lessons

1. After you have read the articles and completed the graphic organizer, please create an award that honors the crew members who you believe were the true heroes the night the Titanic sank. You must include the following in your award:

  • Name of the Award
  • Name of ship whose crew is receiving the award (Titanic, Carpathia or Californian)
  • Character traits of crew members that make them deserving of the award
  • Actions taken by crew members the night of April 14th which demonstrated their character traits

2. Please read the creativity checklist here or in your composition notebook before you get started:


    • Use a wide range of idea creation techniques (brainstorming)
    • Create new ideas
    • Elaborate, refine, analyze and evaluate their own ideas in order to improve creative efforts
    • Demonstrate originality and inventiveness in work and understand the real world limits to adopting new ideas
  • Look for new and novel ways of doing things

3. You may choose the tool you use to create your award (Animoto, Google docs, photoshop, wordle.org, Prezi, etc.)

4. Options include:

1. MVP (most valuable player) Award

2. Above and Beyond Award

3. The Extra Mile Award

4. Your idea? Run it by Mrs. Boyd.

5. Be sure to put all group members' names on the document when attaching the product to the Google Classroom assignment.

6. When you present your award to the class, you will need to explain your thinking. Tell us why you chose the crew you recognized with your award. How did your inferences about these crews help you better understand what really happened the night of April 14, 1912?