RW Strategies: Daily Class Work

Read 180 Login:

  • Username: last namefirst initialmiddle initial
    • For example, Debbie Ann Smith = smithda
  • Password = 6 digit id number (lunch number)

Read Write Strategies Google Classroom codes:

Period 1: quins4a

Period 2A: zqk7ws8

Period 2B: m4vrmb

Reading Plus Login:

ID: District ID # (just numbers; no Dcsd)

Password: read

InSight Reading Assessment

iReady Reading Assessment

Username and password: Refer to your composition book or see your teacher.

Week January 23-January 29: Take a Stance - Argument Essay

1. Choose an issue that is important to you that you would like to share with the class. To choose an issue,

browse the following:

2. As you start your data swim by reading articles, narrow your topic and create your research question. (graphic organizer provided)

**At the bottom of the "Narrow it Down" organizer, write your issue question that you will research (i.e. Should students be required to wear uniforms to school?)

Next, write the reason you chose this topic to research.

3. The issue must be completely appropriate for class discussion and must be pre-approved before research begins. Mrs. Boyd reserves the right to not approve issues.

4. Research from Castle View library databases, the website links listed above, or do your own search. You must have at least 2 credible sources.

***Create citations in Paste your citations on the Google Classroom Works Cited assignment.

  • If you read a NEWSELA article, be sure to choose your reading level (Lexile numbers on the right side of the article).
  • If the pro con article is overwhelming or tough to understand, copy the information and paste in This will make the text level a bit easier to understand.

5. Complete your Debatable Issues graphic organizer. You need a MINIMUM OF 2 RELIABLE SOURCES FOR RESEARCH.

  • Use the most important, compelling information.
  • Do not copy from website. Use your own words.

6. As you research, complete your Citation Page (Google Classroom)

  • Go to
  • Choose MLA
  • Copy citation onto Google Classroom assignment

6. Create a fact outline in the writing section of your composition book:

O/P Statement (show the issue and your stance)

  • Reason
    • Examples/Evidence
    • Examples/Evidence
  • Reason
    • Examples/Evidence
    • Examples/Evidence
  • Reason
    • Examples/Evidence
    • Examples/Evidence
  • Address the counter argument (i.e. Although some people believe...)
    • Rebuttal (knock down the other argument)
    • Concluding Statement: Finish strong = restate your stance on the issue

7. Write your Argument Paragraph in Google Classroom.


8. Paste the paragraph in to edit.

See below the following stars for correct Works Cited formatting.


In-text Citations with Electronic Resources:

Example with abbreviated corporate author:

Their mission in part “is to improve government decision making and public policy…” (Natl. Research Council).

Entire Website: Cite the main title of the website in italics. No numbers are needed. When an entire site does not have a title, write Home page using regular font.

1. Example with title of entire website, no author or sponsor:

The site has biographical information and numerous links to websites dedicated to Twain (The Official Web Site of Mark Twain).

2. Example with author of entire website:

Summer flowering bulbs need to be replanted each spring when the ground is warm (Goldstein).

3. Example of website, no title: Hemingway started his writing career at The Kansas City Star (Hemingway Home page).

Week of October 2-5:

1. Complete Book Trailer Script in Google Classroom

2. Complete your Book Trailer in Adobe Spark.

Book Trailer Adobe Spark Instructions

Book Trailer Rubric

Vocab Unit 3: Storybird picture book - Due October 18

  • Sign in
  • Username (last name, first initial - no space, no caps. If this doesn't work, add the next letter or two of your first name. Examples: smitha or brownal or williamslan)
  • Class code: H7SSH
  • You will be prompted to change a password. Write this password on your logins page in your composition book.
  • Choose an artist's work that you like for your book's illustrations
  • Use all 10 vocab words in the story
  • Edit
  • Click on publish and then the link sign (see below). Choose Google Classroom assignment and link to Storybird Vocab assignment.

Vocab Unit 3 Test: Thursday, October 25

Use Quizlet link to study!

Reading Plus

Username: ID #

Password: read

iReady Reading Assessment

Username: (usually) last name first initial middle initial (no caps, no spaces) = smithcf

Password: birthdate (numbers only) = 03022004

Class Assigned Reading Survey

Monday, August 20: Start Reading/Writing Performance Task Assessment

Document 1 Link - NBC Nightly News: Age old homework debate back in spotlight


i-Ready Assessment: Reading

Username and Password:


Friday, March 9

1. Read "Should it be illegal for teens to buy or rent violent video games?"

2. Access the class padlet here. Write a response to the question (blue box) and respond to two other comments.

Thursday, March 8

1. Read "Video-game addiction a real problem, study finds"

2. Complete "Thinking at Right Angles" in response to the article.

Term 2 Book Project Due: Thursday, March 14, 2019:

Each student will advertise his/her independent book by creating a e-book poster with (Please use your Google login information for your Smore account.)

Book Poster Requirements:

    • Title
    • Author -
    • Heading (hook) -
    • Brief Summary - NO spoilers, please! - include information about:
      • main characters
      • main conflict
    • About the author -
    • At least one quote from the book -
    • At least one quoted review (ALA, Barnes and Noble, Goodreads...)
      • If you can’t find a review, create your own quote as a review.
    • Additional Features:
      • Pictures


When your book project has been completed:

    • Save and link to the Google Classroom assignment.



8. Clocking: Class editing activity

9. Paste your paragraph in

10. Do a final edit.

11. Submit.

12. Share Take a Stance paragraph with class.


Week of February 20 - 23

1. Write a 3 part topic sentence for "Apes Over Apps"

2. Using colored sentence strips (get from Mrs. Boyd), write a summary paragraph and glue into your composition book.

3. Write a 3 part topic sentence and a fact outline for your independent reading book in your composition book.

4. Write a summary on the Summary for Independent Book Google Classroom assignment.

5. Complete 1 Reading Lesson in Reading Plus.

6. Read your independent book and work on your signpost map.

7. Go to the Vocab/Grammar page on the Read Write Strategies website and work on the Compound Sentence practice links.

8. Learn to write an O/P Statement (mini-thesis)

9. Read Pocketbike article. Take a stance on the issue: Should pocketbikes be illegal? Write an O/P statement to support your stance.


Week of February 12-15

1. Practice writing 3 Part Topic Sentences (used for SUMMARIES).

Write at least three of your own.

2. Highlight this paragraph using the color-coding at the top of the page.

3. Learn how to write a Fact Outline. This is an easy way to organize your thinking and ideas before you begin writing.


February 5-9:

1. Determining Importance and Finding the Main Idea

2. Complete 1 Reading Lesson in Reading Plus

3. Write a vocab short story (see example) using the five vocabulary words listed at the top of the assignment in Google Classroom.

4. Print and read "Teens Are in No Rush to Drive"

Highlight as you read:

  • Green = Main/central idea
  • Yellow = Reasons/Key ideas
  • Pinks = examples/explanations/evidence

5. After reading, complete an expanding summary:

6. Print and read "Apes Over Apps".

Highlight as you read:

  • Green = Main/central idea
  • Yellow = Reasons/Key ideas
  • Pinks = examples/explanations/evidence

7. Facebook and Free Speech: Get the article and text rendering assignment from Mrs. Boyd

8. Complete a Reading Passage in Reading Plus.


Tracking Teens article

Voki Introductions:

Mrs. Boyd's Voki Introduction

    • Register:
      • username: School email address
      • password: school id
    • Choose character
      • The character must NOT say Only for Voki Classroom & Voki Presentation
      • Create your Voki character
      • Use text to voice (the keypad key) and include the following:
        • Name
        • Hobbies or interests
        • Something you did over break
        • Where you are from, when you moved to the Castle View feeder


Tuesday, September 19:

1. Log into NEWSELA.

2. Choose an interesting article to read.

3. Set the reading level to an appropriate level for you.

4. Read the article

5. In the Writing section of your composition book, do the following:

  • Write a 3-Part Topic Sentence for the article
  • Write a fact outline

6. Complete a summary (Google Classroom NEWSELA assignment.

7. Due Thursday at end of class.


Tuesday, September 5th:

Tracking Teens May Make for Safer Roads...



Monday, March 13

Padlet for Take a Stance Discussion


Tuesday, November 1:

1. Review candidates' profiles:

Hillary Clinton

Gary Johnson

Jill Stein

Donald Trump

2. VOTE!


Wednesday, October 26: Access the following link to see which candidates' viewpoints are similar to yours:

I Side With


Tuesday, October 25th:

Cover It Live Blog: Are Video Games Bad for You?


Monday, October 24th:

NEWSELA Video Games article



Should we raise the driving age to 18?

  • As a group, determine your stance on the issue: Should the driving age be raised to 18?
  • What are your 3 big reasons? Be sure to be able to support each reason with examples, explanations, evidence...
  • Complete the presentation in Google Classroom.


Independent Book Survey


Read "My Favorite Mistake." Highlight the events that actually occurred yellow, and highlight the author's thoughts and reflections on the incident pink. Then, brainstorm a mistake of your own that you learned from. Complete the graphic organizer by recording the actual facts from the incident and what you learned from the experience.

After you have taken notes, complete the "My Favorite Mistake" assignment on Google Classroom.

Write a two paragraph memoir about your favorite mistake. Include details from the event and what you learned from the experience.


1. "Thank You, Ma'am" Response Questions

2. Now...Go to Google Classroom to Read "A Victim Treats His Mugger Right."


Ten Reasons to Be Thankful


Thursday, October 1: Choose 1A or 1B:

1A. Ready for independent work:

  • Choose an interesting article to read on NEWSELA. (You must log in.)
        • Set your appropriate Lexile level.
        • Highlight green (overall main idea), yellow (key concepts/main reasons) and yellow (examples, explanations, evidence).

1B. Guided instruction:

  • Read and discuss article in a small group with Mrs. Boyd.
  • Highlight green (overall main idea), yellow (key concepts/main reasons) and yellow (examples, explanations, evidence).

All Students:

2. Use your highlighted article to create a fact outline in your composition book.

    • Write out your 3-part topic sentence at the top of your outline.
    • The rest of your outline should NOT be in complete sentences.

3. Write a summary.

    • Use your outline to guide your writing.
    • You may write your summary on the paper organizer or on the electronic template (Google Classroom).


Check out


Article: "A Victim Treats His Mugger Right"

Google Form: Response to "A Victim Treats His Mugger Right"


Wednesday, October 29

What happened to Malaysian Flight 370?

Read and create 3 different types of questions.

Wednesday, October 22

  1. Readwritethink Comic Creator - Use this tool (or a tool of your choice) to create a short comic strip that illustrates the meaning of your vocabulary word.

Monday, October 6

If you finish reading and highlighting the article "Should the driving age be raised to 18?" before the rest of the class, take a moment to look at the USA Today series: The Hazards of Teen Driving. You may use some of this information in your argument during You Be the Jury if you wish.

If you are interested in the guidelines for getting your Colorado driver's permit and/or license, use this link to find out more information!

Tuesday, October 1

  • NEWSELA - search for "Activists and SeaWorld"
  • Choose appropriate Lexile level
  • complete main idea/supporting details graphic organizer


Assignments in case of substitute:

1. The Lost on the Mountain

      • Read story
      • Answer all questions in packet
      • Highlight text evidence for section B and text clues for section C

2. Reading Plus

    • See Reader - complete 2 lessons
    • Read Around - complete 1 lesson
    • iBalance - if time, complete 1 lesson

3. Read Write Strategies website

    • Useful links
    • Log in
    • click on binder and choose article
    • set Lexile score to your reading level
  • read and submit quiz


Connect~Extend~Challenge Self-Reflection


Storybird: Use your vocab words to write a story.

    • Log on to
      • Username = First name Last initial cvhs
        • Ex: TomJcvhs
      • Password = readcvhs
    • Create
    • Choose artwork (theme)
    • Use this art
  • Picture book

*****************************************************************************************************************************Book Project - Class time to work on December 14th and 15th, presentations due December 16th & 17th.

Click on the above link for detailed instructions.********************

In-class work days: Friday, December 15th and Monday, December 18th

For this assignment, you will create a product as a way to share a recommendation for a book you have read this term. (Your book project should be for a book you have read during this semester as an independent choice, not a book that was assigned for a class.) You may choose to create a book trailer or an e-poster:

    • Animoto Book Trailer (Book Trailers Student Instructions)

Choice 1: Book Trailer

Animoto Book Trailers

Student Instructions

___ Complete the Book Trailer Script on Google Classroom.

___ Log in to

___ Write the text for the book trailer (create text slides). Include the following:

  • Hook
  • 3 part topic sentence with title and author
  • cliffhanger
  • information presented in logical, interesting sequence
  • correct conventions

Music and Images should do the following:

  • Convey the mood/theme and setting of the book
  • Evoke an emotional response
  • audio matches images
  • no copyright violations

___ In your Google Drive, create a Book Trailer Photo folder

*File - New Folder - Type name of new folder

___ Begin gathering photos. Keep in mind that the images should represent the characters,

plot, setting, and mood of the book.

___ If you use the following websites for free images, you only need to give credit to the

photographer and website:

___ When you find an image you want to use, click the “Download” button. Change the name

of the image and include the photographer and website (i.e. mountains Devin Alexander

Unsplash) and save to your desktop.

***If you choose to not use Unsplash or Pixabay, the citation process is more lengthy.

When you download an image, complete a citation through digital citation. Create a citation document on Google Drive. You will need to copy and paste your citations on the last slide of your video.

___ At the end of class, after you have collected your images, upload your photo library to

your Google Drive. Otherwise, you run the risk of your folder being deleted by other


    • Open Google Drive
    • Open Book Trailer Photos File
    • Drag desktop pictures to the folder

___ Citation slide (i.e. Images from Unsplash)

___ Last slide: Produced by First name and Last initial, Castle View High School, 2017

___ Preview

___ Produce

___ Select Link, copy

___ Go to Google Classroom, choose Book Trailer assignment, click "Add" and choose link, paste your link


Book Project Form

Book Cover and Book Talk

Book Cover Creator

Book Advertisement Flyer Instructions:


Post Reading Survey


End of Course Self-Reflection


1. Syllabus due Monday, August 12th.

2. Class supplies due Monday, August 12 th.

3. Real-life reading practice: