Hours/Prices/Contact Us
Hours of Operation:
Before School.........................6:30 am - 8:20 am
After School...........................3:10 pm - 6:00 pm
Full Days............................... 7:00 am - 5:30 pm
*Please see the SchoolCare Works calendar for scheduled activities and field trip times.
Registration Fees: Registration is covered for the 2024-2025 school year
Before School..................... $14.00 per session
After School........................ $16.00 per session
Full Day Program......................$35 per day
*An extra charge will occur when there is a special activity.
Late Fees/ Drop-In:
Late Calendar received after Wednesday of the week prior
(must be received by midnight the day before your need care)......$3.00 per session extra
Unscheduled Drop-In..................$5.00 per session extra
Unscheduled Drop-In Full Day....$6.00 per session extra
Pick up after 6:00pm.................$3.00 per minute past 6:00pm per child
Pick up after 5:30 on full days......$3.00 per minute past 5:30 pm
*All Rates are subject to change as of July 1st, 2024
Program Information:
Address: 10450 Stonegate Pkwy Parker , CO 80134
Office Phone: 303-387-8095
Program Cell Phone: 720- 498-7972
Email: Gina Volpi, Program Manager - gmvolpi@dcsdk12.org
Assistant Program Manager Zilla Bonnell zrbonnell@dcsdk12.org