Regular Freshmen English (with Assigned Homework)

Please understand that trying to put the agenda on Canvas and this Google doc was too time-consuming as the formatting kept changing and so I'm not going to be updating the weekly agenda through the website. All agendas are accessed through canvas. Parents, if you need help in learning how to access your student's Canvas account as an observer, please email me at and I will help you.

Below is a button that links to a Google doc with copies of the weekly agenda students can find on Canvas. It's intended to help parents who don't currently have access to Canvas, though that's the best way to follow along with a student's assignment. If you want help gaining access to Canvas as a parent, please email me at for help.

I try to update this often, but with the district change to Canvas, I'm spending most of my energy on that first, which is why it's better to look there. Also, I occasionally become overwhelmed with school responsibilities. If this is more than a week behind, feel free to email me and ask about your work after first checking Canvas.

If this has days that we haven't had school yet, realize the schedule is flexible and may change.

If you need to find copies of some of the work mentioned on the Google doc above, you can try the links, but many of them connect to a Canvas lesson, so if you can't access Canvas, the links may not work. You can also click here to find some of the handouts.

Want occasional reminders about homework, large projects, and upcoming classes? THIS LINK gives directions on how to sign up for texts or emails as reminders about due dates or you can just try clicking HERE. It allows you get reminders without sharing with me your cell phone number or private email.