Specials Classrooms

Hello Students and Parents

Below you will find links to lessons for all of your specials teachers. You can find your grade level appropriate work in a Google folder, a Google Website or in a Google Classroom. Please email the teacher directly if you have any questions regarding your work. We hope this makes it easier to go to one location for all specials work.

Art Lessons
Mr. Sam - smcarstens@dcsdk12.org
Art Lessons

Physical Education Lessons
Mr. Travis - tcruz1@dcsdk12.org
Physical Education Lessons

Technology Lessons
Maria Hannigan mhannigan@dcsdk12.org

Lower El Tech Lessons - No Code needed
* Upper El Tech Google Classroom
* Lower El Tech Lessons
* Middle School Tech Lessons

*Note - You must join the classroom with a code if you are out or on an extended leave.