Copper Mesa BASE Staff

Copper Mesa BASE Management

Lindsey Jackson

Program Manager

Favorite part of working CME?

My favorite part of working at CME is getting to know all of our awesome kids and playing games with them! 

Favorite food? 

My favorite food is PIZZA!  I'm down to eat pizza just about any day!

Favorite field trip?

My favorite field trip is any field trip that involves swimming!  I loved going to Splash Water Park with my group last summer!

Steven Berry

Assistant Program Manager

Favorite part of working CME?

My favorite part of working at CME is getting to know all of our awesome kiddos! 

Favorite food?

My favorite food is Burgers. I am always looking to try new kinds!

Favorite field trip?

My favorite field trip is the Denver Zoo! I enjoy getting to see and learn all about the animals!

Sydney Cutright

Seasonal Program Leader

Favorite part of working at CME? 

I love getting to know all of the kids that come to BASE!

Favorite food? 

My favorite food is definitely sushi.

Favorite field trip? 

The BEST field trip was the zoo. I really enjoyed seeing all of the animals and getting to know the kids better.

Maddy Engle

Seasonal Program Leader

Favorite part of working at CME? 

Getting to know all the kids 

Favorite food? 

Caesar salad and fries 

Favorite field trip?

Ninja nation

Abby Fisch

Program Leader

Favorite part of working at CME? 

My favorite part is getting to know all our awesome kids! 

Favorite food? 

I enjoy the southwest wrap from Mad Greens.

Favorite field trip?

I enjoy the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

Ava Cutright

Program Aide

Favorite part of working at CME? 

I love how much the kids make me laugh.

Favorite food? 

My favorite food is sushi.

Favorite field trip?

My favorite feild trip so far was the Denver Zoo.

Harvey Walp

Program Aide

Favorite part of working at CME? 

Getting to know more kids in my community and building onto my relationships with the kids I already knew.

Favorite food? 

Salmon and Barbecue Doritos.

Favorite field trip?

Slick city was really fun.

Maddie Schmitzer

Seasonal Program Aide

Favorite part of working at CME? 

All the fun kids!

Favorite food? 

Steak and caesar salad

Favorite field trip?

Denver aquarium

Beth Seeger

Seasonal Program Leader