Iowa Jazz Championships

Iowa Jazz Championships - Jazz Company

The Iowa Jazz Championships will be held on Tuesday, April 4 on the Iowa State University Campus.

The 3A performance center is in the Scheman Building just west of Hilton Coliseum.

Admission for the daytime performances is $10.00 for all spectators. Children under 6 will be admitted free.

Parking for Spectators is in Lots B1/C1 and all lots south of Center Drive.

Please see below for maps of the area as well as a map of Scheman and CY Stephens.

Here is some important information from the IJC Committee.

Dear IJC Participants and Fans,

Congratulations on being selected for the 2017 Iowa Jazz

Championships. Please take a moment to review the following

information about the daytime competition and awards ceremony:

The daytime awards ceremony can be one of the most crowded, confusing,

and frustrating parts of the IJC. We want to ensure that all 1,500

student performers are able to attend both the concert by the

University of Kansas Jazz Ensemble I and the awards ceremony. Because

Stephens Auditorium holds 2,700 people, we simply do not have room to

accommodate all of the parents and other supporters who might wish to

attend. For this reason we ask that non-participants consider taking

advantage of the many shopping and dining opportunities in Ames during

the awards ceremony. For those non-participants who wish to attend

the ceremony, please note the following instructions:

1) Arrive at Stephens Auditorium prior to 4:30.

2) Non-participants will move to Balconies #1, #2, or #3, or to the

Loge. Access these areas through the first, second, and third levels

of the lobby. Non-participants are not allowed in the main floor

seating area.

3) Once all of the seats in the balconies and loge are filled,

non-participants will be asked to leave Stephens Auditorium. Again,

this is to ensure that the 1,500 student performers have the

opportunity to enjoy the concert and awards ceremony. We appreciate

your cooperation with the Stephens Auditorium staff.

Itinerary for Tuesday, April 4, 2017

6:00 Load

6:20 Leave for Ames

7:00 Arrive at ISU and Unload

7:15 Set up

7:55 Warm Up

8:25 Move

8:30 Perform

9:00 Picture

9:30 Reload

10:00 Listen to Other bands

11:50 Load the bus and go to lunch at Hickory Park

1:00 Return to ISU and listen to bands

4:30 Listen to University of Kansas Jazz Band

5:15 Awards

Plan A

5:45 Prepare to play at either 8:48 or 9:15. It will require that we load our equipment into CY Stevens.

Plan B

5:45 Load the bus and head for DCG.

6:15 Arrive at DCG and unload the bus and equipment van.

2016 IJC

Judges Comments

IJC Itinerary 2016.xlsx