Student iPads & Email

Students in grades k-5 have iPads and Google Apps for Education accounts. Teachers may have their students use Gmail, Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Google Classroom for school-related purposes.

If a teacher chooses to use Gmail with their students, students should keep in mind that these accounts are owned and maintained by the District. The email addresses are part of the domain and emails they send and receive can be accessed by their teacher, teacher-librarian, and the technology department. Email should be used solely for educational purposes.

The District restricts use of this domain in that students may not send or receive email messages from anyone outside the or domains. Email messages from any external account do not reach the student. Email messages from a student account to an external address (outside and are not sent.

The district’s Acceptable Use Agreement covers not only student use of student iPads and the network while at school, but also governs their usage outside of school.