
Reading in fourth grade focuses on reading for meaning and comprehension. Students are immersed in a variety of rich literature as well as informational texts in order to expand fluency, deepen comprehension strategies, develop vocabulary, and encourage the enjoyment of reading. District 181 has adopted Fountas & Pinnell Classroom to achieve these goals.

Within Fountas & Pinnell Classroom (FPC), there are six instructional contexts. We work together as a whole class to complete the interactive read-aloud, reading mini-lessons and word study. In small groups, students practice skills learned with support through guided reading and book clubs. Individually, students will read independently, but the teacher will offer support through reading conferences. The Common Core State Standards will be taught and practiced through each of these contexts. Students will be exposed to rich literature in a variety of genres.

Instruction includes a combination of whole class, guided small groups, strategy groups, and independent conferencing. Differentiation occurs throughout each unit as students choose books to read at their own level and work in groups to target their individual learning goals.