Agenda - 2/13

    1. Quiz 3 review
    2. Boolean logic review
      1. Example:
        1. If I receive 50/50 on all assignments AND I receive 10/10 on all quizzes then I am guaranteed an A in the class.
        2. If I receive 50/50 on all assignments OR I receive 10/10 on all quizzes then I am guaranteed an A in the class.
      2. Example:
        1. If I forget my QR code AND I forget my aia file then I will not receive full credit on my assignment.
        2. If I forget my QR code OR I forget my aia file then I will not receive full credit on my assignment.
      3. Example:
        1. If the user shakes her phone AND the user presses the button then my app will provide an energy saving suggestion.
        2. If the user shakes her phone OR the user presses the button then my app will provide an energy saving suggestion.
  1. Tip Calculator
      1. List Picker
      2. Parallel Lists
      3. or block
      4. Local Variables
    1. Begin work on Assignment 4.