
This is the main website for the Fall 2015 course on Neural Networks. Please come back for announcements.

Course rules: course_rules.pdf

Office hours: We 13-15, 203

Exam: 5.2.2016, 14:15 - 17:00

Makeup Exam: 18.2.2016, 9:15 - 12:00 in 141

Please remember to email us at:

jch+nn, alan+nn, patrykfi+nn AT

Grade thresholds for the exercises (total number of points was 104):

50: 3.0 60: 3.5 70: 4 80: 4.5 90: 5

Grade thresholds for the exam (total number of points on the exam was 75 + 10% of points from assignments):

35: 3.0 44: 3.5 53: 4.0 62: 4.5 70: 5.0

First exercise session - Oct 01, 2015 7:27:5 PM

Course rules - Oct 07, 2015 11:59:14 AM

Slides from lecture 1 - Oct 07, 2015 12:9:37 PM

Assignment 1 - Oct 07, 2015 12:11:29 PM

Lecture 2 - Oct 14, 2015 9:25:39 AM

Assignment 2 - Oct 22, 2015 8:9:17 AM

Lecture 3 - Oct 22, 2015 8:14:10 AM

Lecture 4 - Oct 28, 2015 10:53:2 AM

Materials for lecture 5 - Nov 03, 2015 11:9:54 PM

Assignment 3 - Nov 04, 2015 9:5:48 PM

The Project: Progress and Submission - Nov 08, 2015 11:54:11 AM

Assignment 4 - Nov 18, 2015 10:55:46 AM

Materials for lecture 6 - Nov 18, 2015 11:15:4 AM

Assignment 5 - Dec 02, 2015 10:21:51 PM

Project Assignment - Dec 14, 2015 2:38:32 PM

Materials for lectures 8 & 9 - Dec 14, 2015 8:54:56 PM

Materials for lectures 7 & 10 - Dec 31, 2015 10:21:41 AM

Materials for lecture 11 - Jan 13, 2016 10:50:32 AM

Materials for lecture 12 - Jan 13, 2016 10:53:26 AM

Theano sessions - Jan 13, 2016 10:56:48 AM

Materials for lecture 13 - Jan 29, 2016 12:7:10 PM

Materials for lecture 14 - Jan 29, 2016 12:8:11 PM

Materials for lecture 15 - Feb 01, 2016 4:7:21 PM