
Fecha de publicación: Feb 01, 2012 12:50:55 AM


author = {Wilfredo Alfonso and Mario A. {Mu\~{n}oz} and Jes\'{u}s A. L\'{o}pez and Eduardo F. Caicedo},

title = {Optimization Inspired in Beehive Foraging Behavior},

booktitle = {Congreso Internacional de Inteligencia Computacional \& VIII Jornada Acad\'{e}mica en Inteligencia Artificial},

abstract = {This paper presents an algorithm based on beehive foraging behavior which is applied to solve optimization problems. The algorithm is classified into evolutionary computation area, specificity as swarm intelligence algorithm. A multi-modal problem is presented to show the accuracy as the algorithm represents a natural beehive foraging behavior by realizing where the maximums are located and how they are distributed. The results show the collective intelligence in the beehive foraging algorithm which can be an useful tool to engineering problems.},

keywords = {cooperative systems; swarm intelligence; self-organization; optimization methods},

month = {Sep},

address = {Bogot\'{a}, Colombia},

year = {2007},

pages = {146--154}
