About Me

Wilfredo Alfonso-Morales is an Associate Professor at Universidad del Valle in the School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. He earned his B.Eng. (2007), M.Eng. (2010), Eng.D. (2016), and Specialisation in Applied Statistics (2021) from Universidad del Valle in Cali, Colombia. His thesis work was based on multimodal optimization and swarm stability for bees algorithm under the advice of professors K. Passino (Ohio State University) and E. Caicedo (Universidad del Valle). Also, he is a member of the Perception and Intelligent Systems research group. His main research topics are machine learning, evolutionary algorithms, swarm intelligence, deep learning, and intelligent control applied for forecasting, brain-computer interfaces, and energy.

MINCIENCIAS endorsed his doctoral training through Francisco José de Caldas, a national doctoral educational program (Grants #528).

IEEE Membership #90847850 (since 2010)

IEEE Computational Intelligence Society

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