Careers in Education I

"Fine Motor Messiness-Think about the last time you held a blob of play dough in your hands. Chances are, you couldn't put it down- you squeezed it, shaped it, poked holes in it, pressed it through your fingers, and so on.

Messy play is a call to action for the fingers, working those tiny muscles to build strength, endurance and coordination. This development together with core and upper body development, helps young hands learn to manipulate a crayon, pencil, pen, or keyboard, as well as piano keys, guitar strings and more."

-A Moving Child is a Learning Child by Gill Connell and Cheryl McCarthy

Sponge Play in the infant program at Monadnock Community Early Learning Center.

Playing with Peppermint Play Dough in a preschool classroom at the Monadnock Community Early Learning Center.