Remote Learning

Check out some of the great learning that happened during our time of remote learning in 2020!

Careers in Education II class saying hello to each other through Google Hangouts.

We are finding a way to connect while social distancing.

We made planting pots out of newspaper together.

Haley is sharing her pot with her newly planted basil seeds!

Mixing Paint Together

After reading Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh and Whit

Making our Lorax

After students picked up their packets of materials from the loading dock at ConVal (thank you to all that made that happen) we made our Lorax's together via google hangouts.

After reading books by Eric Carle students in Careers in Education II created some art working using his work as inspiration.

Eric Carle is the creator of brilliantly illustrated and designed picture books for very young children. One of his most popular books is The Very Hungry Caterpillar. You can learn more about Eric Carle and other children's book artists at The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art in Amherst MA.