Nutrition Counseling

Free Nutrition Counseling

Do you feel you need to make changes in what you are eating? Here are some of the reasons you might be thinking it's time to make some real lifestyle changes regarding what foods you are choosing:

  • Do you have "out of control" blood sugar?

  • Do you feel like you lack energy?

  • Are you having trouble maintaining your blood pressure?

  • Are you concerned that the food you are eating may be interacting with the medications you are taking?

  • Have you experienced an uncomfortable expansion of your waistline?

  • Do you have trouble maintaining good hydration?

  • Do you have digestive problems like gastro-esophageal reflux, indigestion, constipation?

Our Dietitian with Columbia County Office for the Aging, Ellen Levine, RDN, may be able to help you.

Ellen began her nutrition career with a B.S. from Cornell University in Nutrition Sciences, and then obtained a Master's Degree from Syracuse University in Public Health Nutrition. She has been with Office for the Aging for over a year now, with previous experience in nursing homes, developmental centers and mostly recently for a group of community health centers along the Hudson River Valley.

"The best part of my work is having conversations with individuals and groups about making meaningful and truly helpful changes to food habits. But I always say, it's a 2-way street and if you wish to make a dietary change, it takes commitment, focus and the willingness to do some of your won food preparation. Like anything else, you get out of it what you put into it. What I mean to say is that is is next to impossible to eat well when you're eating a lot of pre-packaged, convenience and highly processed foods. I often like to quote one of my favorite food writers, Michael Pollan, who puts it like this: "Eat REAL food, not too much, mostly plants!""

The OFA offers free nutrition consultations that are provided by Ellen; currently they are being conducted over the phone due to COVID-19. Initial consultations can take 45 minutes up to an hour. The initial consultation involves Ellen learning about your medical and physical concerns, your currently eating and other lifestyle habits, and your ability and interest in making some changes to your diet, fluid intake, and activity level. Ellen will also need information on any medical diagnoses you have, and any medications or supplements you are taking. Her approach in the nutrition counseling process emphasizes working on the root causes of your issues and focuses on consuming more whole "real" foods, as apposed to processed foods, as well as drinking enough unsweetened fluids. Based on the information provided by you, Ellen will make recommendations to help you in addressing your issue nd improving your health. If you would like to have a free consultation with Ellen Levine, she can be reached at 518-672-7134.