

Based on the attached survey, we analyzed the information collected and reflected on it. That information is presented below:

What does success look like?

    1. How do you define success (your own critical appraisal) for how the project is going so far? We felt the project was well received by both the school as well as the parents. Parents were really receptive and motivated to have another session.
    2. How would you define success for the long-term project? Success would be defined as having good collaboration within both the school and the families within our school and good participation from both. Also by having more support for the project from other grade levels.

Output Evaluation-- What happened?

    1. What did you do?We felt the project was well received by both the school as well as the parents. Our surveys indicated that parents not only appreciated the information but wanted to have another parent engagement night to get further information on IB as well as other subjects within the school. They also wanted to have the upper grade level teachers to participate.
    2. How many parents participated? 20
      1. How many CLD parents? 12
      2. How many SPED parents? 2 (Both parents were from one student only). They are bilingual first language is Indian.
    3. How many community members participated? 1 high school student, 1 high school teacher who helped coordinate the babysitting. Additionally, we involved our PTO to help with donation for pizza to encourage parents and students to attend.
    4. If you had multiple events-- were there parents or community members who came again? How many new people attended? We have not yet had the next event.
    5. How many have attended other school events after attending your planned event? In our next session we will add that to our survey. How many that have been perceived as “unengaged” have increased their participation in school-related activities? We will consider the amount of families that will attend our next session, in order to compare the participation with our first session.
    6. Did you build a team to help you with your project? Yes. What type of team did you build? E.g. did you build on your collaboration course in building a team to carry out the event (evidence of buy in at a school level)? We recruited Holli Bishop, our IB Coordinator, the two kindergarten teachers, and one second grade teacher.

Outcome Evaluation-- what was the quality of your project

    1. What are your major outcomes (you can cut and paste your outcomes that you developed last June, then revised in October and January)? To build a stronger community.
    2. How do you define success for each major outcome? This is a more specific statement than above that includes a conceptualization of the quality or degree you met your outcomes.
      1. Make sure to include how sought to measure how your project helped improve the lives/ advanced the education of
        1. CLD learners and their families Our parents were very unclear about the IB Program at our school. They had many questions and were apprehensive about asking because they did not understand the process enough to present questions. Additionally, they were not clear how the IB Program connected to Colorado Standards.
        2. SPED learners and their families Presenting information on how the IB Program has a lot of differentiation. Presenting how students work together to help each other gave a positive correlation on how IB is beneficial for SPED students. Discussing with parents how peers can support their student’s learning provides comfort to parents knowing their students will be included in projects with others and can benefit from their modeling. It aso benefits other students because it gives them the opportunity to mentor, thus giving them a leadership role within the classroom.
    3. What methods did you use to measure the quality or degree in which you met your outcomes? Surveys
    4. What key information or data helps the degree in which you met each outcome? You don’t have to include everything, but select data that presents best evidence. Evidence provided from the surveys included positive feedback on how supported they felt both in gaining the information as well as having time to discuss in small groups with other parents. Like students, the parents felt very comfortable talking with others in smaller groups and we feel their voices were heard
    5. What is your analysis of this data-- a paragraph or two that helps the reader make sense of your findings?

Overall one of our findings was that all the parents want to have another session. Due to a translation problem, parents requested a better version of the Spanish IB information. Also, after having taken the survey, parents’ thoughts were that they had a much better understanding of the IB Program. Families felt like they had a voice and that there voice was being heard.

Furthermore, parents felt like after the session they had more knowledge and a better understanding of the units of study. Moreover, they would like to have earlier sessions in the day. They also requested higher grade teachers be participants to give new addition to the units of study and have a better understanding of the unit’s vertical alignment. Reflecting on our own session, we found that parents would like more ideas of how to integrate the IB Program at home using the proper vocabulary and hand on activities.

    1. What gaps are there? What outcomes have you not been able to measure or will measure later in the school year? We would like to get more participation from our SPED parents to enrich their education. We would also like some collaboration with our upper grade level teachers. Moreover, we would like to integrate parents as presenters and outside community members. We would like to use more technology within the sessions, so we are planning on using electronic live surveys, so we can show the families immediate results and go through any concerns together.