Diagnosis of the Problem

Diagnosis of the Problem

As a team, we strive to create more awareness about the components of IB, the vocabulary associated with IB, and the culture surrounding IB. Once these are presented and families have a stronger understanding of IB, our hopes are that these same ideals can be reinforced at home. Our next steps would be to then utilize the funds of knowledge of our families that correlate with our attributes and profiles and have them share their cultural association with our students.

IB has its own vocabulary, mission, and specificities to be need further clarified. Our IB coordinator set up a meeting to help parents understand IB concepts but we had an extremely low attendance. Also, our principal and assistant principal have presented information at a few of our PTA meetings, but more education is needed but more attendance is needed for a larger population of parents to gain information. Teachers have received training, and we felt that if parents were also given training, collaboratively we could work as a community to enhance the mission.

Another cause/reason for our IB Academy is to help with us with our IB certification, which is scheduled for Spring, 2019. We realized that since one of the components of authorization is parent support, our parents need a deeper understanding of the units of study as well as the change in practice as a school. Once parents have had some training surrounding IB practices, we hope they will feel more comfortable) Guidance for parents and eliciting their help will then have a positive effect on our students and gaining certification for our school.