Digital Images and Copyright
Here's what to keep in mind when using images downloaded from the internet (including from MDID & ARTstor)...
You should ALWAYS...
ALWAYS credit the source of your images. (See Citing Images for help).
If possible, find out if the owner/creator of an image states how their image can be used.
Whenever possible, ask the copyright holder for permission and keep a record of this correspondence.
Under Fair Use Guidelines, professors may...
Display images for face-to-face teaching, research & scholarly activities at a non-profit educational institution.
Compile images for display for review over a secure network (such as Blackboard, Moodle or MDID) for students enrolled in the course.
and they may not...
Publish these images in digital or analog publications without proper copyright clearance. When permission cannot be found, consult the Four Factors of Fair Use.
Under Fair Use Guidelines, students may...
Use images in course assignments such as a term paper, thesis or poster as per their degree fulfillment requirements.
Publicly display images incorporated in academic work when associated with courses in which they are enrolled.
Retain work in personal portfolios for use in graduate school or employment applications, for example.
and they may not...
Publish images in any work in analog or digital form that do not have proper copyright clearance. When in doubt, consult the Four Factors of Fair Use.
Informative Copyright links:
Fair Use outlined by the U.S. Government
Fair Use outlined by the University of Texas
Copyright and Fair Use explained by University of Maryland University College
Duration of Copyright in US Law, helpful for clearance for publication or display on web-pages.