(802) 264-5927


Meet your School Counselor - Mrs. T

Hi students and families. I'm excited to be a part of the Porters Point School team as your school counselor

I have been a school counselor for eight years and have counseled students, grades K-12, in Texas, New York, Massachusetts, and Vermont. While I enjoy all grades levels, I truly love working with primary school students.  Your children are at an exciting time in their lives as they begin to develop their academic self-concept, self-confidence, self-awareness, and social skills.

It is my goal to help your children learn to navigate friendships, create and maintain social relationships, make decisions, problem solve, manage their emotions, and much more. I will visit each classroom once per week to deliver a 30-45 minute SEL (Social Emotional Learning) lesson. Please visit the "Counseling Class" page for more specific information about current lessons.  I'm also available to meet with your child in a small group setting or one-to-one

Additionally, my "Resources" page will be updated frequently with books, movies, activities, sites, and articles you might find helpful.  If you have a concern or questions, please give me a call or send me an email.  

When I'm not at PPS, I enjoy spending time with my friends and family, snuggling my dog Hudson, exploring our beautiful state with my daughter and husband, being creative in the kitchen, kayaking/SUPing, and hiking as many mountains as I can.