Using the Online System

  • Use Internet Explorer.

  • Log into Alis (be sure you are listed as an employee of CSD in your profile).

  • Choose the last option PL Activity, from the menu on the left.

  • In the top right corner, click Add.

  • Choose the activity type from the drop down menu.

  • Name your activity.

  • List the number of hours (no more than 45 for a single activity).

  • Choose the start and end dates.

  • Choose Upload Online for how you will send the documents.

  • Description – this is a basic description of the activity. Please also include your endorsement code in this box (for example – high school math 2-11).

  • Expected or Actual Impact – Please refer to the How to Complete the Expected and Actual Impact document.

  • If you have finished the activity, check that it is completed.

  • When done, hit OK.

  • On the right side, add a document (grade report, documentation of hours signed by administrator) by clicking on the blue word document. Then in the top right corner hit add, and upload the file with your document. Click Upload when done.

  • Hit SAVE. (You must save before you submit.)

  • When you have completed the write up of the activity, hit Submit to L/RSB.

    • NOTE: It should say “Your current L/RSB: Colchester.” If it does not, before you submit, go back to your profile and edit your employment information to list Colchester School District as your employer. Once this is complete, you can return to the saved PL Activity and hit Submit.