All athletes must have an athletic physical and have all eligibility form completed prior to being allowed to practice. A copy of the forms can be found here.
Coach Soares takes pictures at 14 meets during the year. All photos are free for download at the following website:
Ask or email Coach Soares, Paramo, or Bartosch for the password!
Practice is every day, rain or shine.
If an athlete misses practice, they will not run in the upcoming meet.
If an athlete accumulates two unexcused missed practices, there will be a conference with athlete and/or parent, and athlete may be dismissed from the team.
All who qualify for post-season meets must attend all practice days and times set by the coach. Practice times and days may vary due to weather and facility. We will be having practice on days when there is no school.
Athletes can earn their varsity letter in track & field by meeting one or more of the following requirements:
Meet Varsity time/mark standards
Compete in the post season (League, Area, Valley, State)
Earn 12 varsity points (Points are earned by placing in meets while competing at the varsity level)
NOTE: Athlete must finish season in good standing
All athletes must stay to the completion of the last event at each meet. Even if they are finished competing, they must stay and cheer for their teammates. There will be a team meeting at the conclusion of all meets.
If an athlete does leave before the completion of the last event, a disciplinary action may result. (ex. held out of a meet)
During meets, athletes must stay within the track area at all times. If outside the track area, athlete may be removed from the team.
Any schoolwide discipline may result in removal from the team.
A student not following school rules may result in suspension/removal from the team.
All athletes will be required to travel with team (ride the bus) to and from events.
All school and CIF rules and regulations are enforced at all times.
Be a student athlete and have FUN!
Athletes must wear school issued uniforms during competition.
Plain white bike shorts may be worn under shorts; no other colors may be worn.
Each team member is responsible for his/her own personal belongings.
When traveling to meets, all athletes must be in proper warm-up attire (no school clothes may be worn on the bus for those competing).
POST SEASON COMPETITION (regional/Sectional/State Championships)
All athletes who qualify for any post-season competition(s) must attend all scheduled practices.
Practice times and days may change due to weather and/or the need for coaches to insert a race simulation into an athlete’s workout in preparation for an upcoming meet.
If practice is missed (illness not included), the athlete will not be allowed to compete in the post season meets.
NOTE we will be having practice on days when there might not be school.
Parents must give permission for students to travel off-campus for school-sponsored trips/events. Method of transportation will be by school bus, private charter, or school van.
All students traveling to events by van or bus will be responsible for appropriate conduct to the bus driver, teacher, or adult sponsors.
The athletic code of conduct must be followed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, during season.
Regular school attendance is expected for all students. An athlete must be in school 4 hours to be eligible for participation in practice and /competition. Athletes must attend class the day following a school contest.
As a parent/ legal guardian, when your child turns in their emergency card, it informs the coaches/school that the above information has been read and understood.
For those student-athletes who are lucky enough to compete at the next level, our Head Counselor at Buchanan, Troy Wagner, put together a slide show to inform parents/athletes the different criteria it takes to be eligible to compete at the different levels college. You can find it at the following link: