Tissue networks
Tissue-Specific Gene Regulatory Networks
Tissue-specific gene regulatory networks constructed using PANDA, which were analyzed in "Understanding Tissue-Specific Gene Regulation", together with the input data used to estimate these networks, can be downloaded from Zenodo.
In addition, on this webpage you can download:
An R-data object containing the PANDA-predicted gene regulatory networks and tissue-specific edges for 38 tissues.
A table of the tissue-specific edges estimated from the PANDA-networks.
The input data and code needed to reconstruct the tissue-specific PANDA networks
More information about the input data: (i) normalized GTEx RNA-seq expression, (ii) motif, and (iii) PPI data.
Sample-Specific Gene Regulatory Networks
Below we link LIONESS-predicted sample-specific networks for 38 GTEx tissues. A subset of these tissues were analyzed in "Sexual Dimorphism in Gene Expression and Regulatory Networks across Human Tissues". Each file contains the set of single-sample networks associated with a tissue, with one network for each of the gene expression samples collected in that tissue. WARNING: these files range in size from ~2G-46G.
Networks for each Tissue:
adipose subcutaneous adipose visceral adrenal gland artery aorta artery coronary artery tibial brain other brain cerebellum brain basal ganglia breast lymphoblastoid cell line fibroblast cell line colon sigmoid colon transverse gastroesophageal junction esophagus mucosa esophagus muscularis heart atrial appendage heart left ventricle kidney cortex liver lung minor salivary gland skeletal muscle tibial nerve ovary pancreas pituitary prostate skin intestine terminal ileum spleen stomach testis thyroid uterus vagina whole blood
Sample Information:
Tissue-Specific eQTL Networks
The tissue-specific eQTL networks analyzed in "Exploring regulation in tissues with eQTL networks" can be downloaded here or as a bundle here.