Good to Know

Tennis Shoes

Please have your child bring tennis shoes to school every day. If your child is unable to participate for any reason they will need a note from our school nurse. Please contact the nurse's office to keep them informed. P.E. will have alternative activities for students to do if they are unable to participate so that they are continuing to actively learn. 

Water Bottles

Students may bring a water bottle to class. Flip tops work best to help avoid unnecessary spills. I ask that students fill their water bottle with water only. Students will bring their water bottles home on Fridays to be cleaned. 


This year, we currently do not have any food allergies in our classroom. If that changes, I will keep you informed. I encourage you to send a healthy snack with your child each day.  My one expectation is no candy during snack break. 

Your child's birthday is important and we want to celebrate!  You are able to purchase birthday treats from the cafeteria. You may also bring in a treat but it must be store bought.


Please be sure your child is dressed appropriately for winter. 

If there is snow, they will need boots to go off of the black top.