Each day, your child will be working on a math skill. Students will have plenty of time to finish their work in class.
The math concepts your child will be learning about this year will include but not be limited to...
reading and writing whole numbers
addition and subtraction story problems
counting by 1's, 2's, 5's and 10's
place value
telling time
number lines
2D and 3 D Shapes
Each week, your child will be learning high-frequency sight words. We call these heart words. Rather than having your child memorize these words, I will be teaching your child how to map their words. The science of reading has proven that students learn words best by connecting sounds or phonemes they already know to the letters of the word. By teaching your child to map their words, it prompts students to activate the oral language processing part of their brains. this allows their brain to help them permanently store words in their sight word memories. Students will be progress monitored on their sight words every two weeks.
Each week, students will be learning a set of skills. These skills will help students in their oral and written language. Each week we will test on these skills.
This year your child will be using the Fundations Program. It is an explicit and systematic program that focuses on phonemic awareness, phonics/word study, high-frequency word study, reading fluency, vocabulary, comprehension strategies, handwriting, and spelling. Instead of sending your child home with a spelling list, I would love your child to practice identifying letters, letter sounds, building and writing dictated words and sentences. I will send home a list of words and sentences that contain similar spelling patterns that we are learning in class. These words may or may not be on their test. I wanted to provide you with a list of words with similar spelling patterns so that had the opportunity to practice writing words and sentences with the skills we are working on throughout the week. In small groups, I will be working with your child on spelling words & writing. I will assess their skills every 2-3 weeks-depending on the skills they are working on.
Your child will be learning a set of skills to help build their comprehension in reading. Every two weeks your child will be given a comprehension test. Your student will receive a book in a bag to bring home each night to read, as well as activities to help build their oral language skills. I ask that you fill out and sign your child’s reading log, each night they read.
This year during writing workshop, we will focus on writing paragraphs, personal narratives, persuasive, informational, and poetry pieces.