
Check These Out...

Below I've included some websites that may be helpful to you. These websites are attached to be used at home. On the left side of the page are subject related sites. Spelling City is the first link. Spelling City is a website that can be used as spelling homework. There are numerous games and a practice quiz your son/daughter may use to study his/her spelling words. Below that is a link to Fact Dash. Math fact practice should done each night. Instead of using flashcards, students can get online, set their preferences, and practice. On the bottom is the Accelerated Reader link. You can check the books your son/daughter has read and tested on this year. You can also see the score and total points earned.

On the right side are "parent" links. A link to Fairview is at the top. It has sports calendars, lunch menus, and other important information. The Final Forms link is next. It is due at the beginning of each new school year. The third app is a link to the grade card. You may access grades anytime you like. Last is a link to 98.1 to stay up to date on closing and delays.

Educational Resources and Journals:

Above is the link to the blog by the Department of Education. To stay up-to-date on all the new education news, research, teaching, etc, take a look.

Just like students, all schools get their own grade card. If you would like to see our score, click on the above link. You can look up any school.

As the children begin to grow and school gets harder, anxiety can follow. School isn't the only thing that can cause this anxiety either. Children have sports, church, friends, family lives, etc that all play a part. Students, younger and younger, can feel this stress. Research has found that animal visits can help. The above article tells us how Ralph and Max are helping out our students.

"We never did that in school!" "I didn't do that until I was in highschool!" "I can't believe how much these kids have to learn." These are some the of the things we here as educators. The above article explains the "trickle down" effect that has happened in the early education grades. It talks about children's readiness, what we focus on in the classroom now, and how different it was from 1998.

I mentioned earlier that we use the PAX Program. The above like shares the importance of social-emotional learning. It explores the affects of emotion health and how that positively impacts learning and academics.

There are many tests taken in the classroom. We have our weekly tests that affects grades but we also have the states tests. The above link explains how schools and the administration view and use those tests.