Classroom Management

Punch Card System

This year a punch card system will be used to monitor student behavior. If your child chooses to follow the classroom rules and behave appropriately, he or she will be rewarded by receiving an hole punch in a ticket. Once your child has accumulated 15 punches, he or she may turn them in for a small prize and begin earning punches again.

If your child chooses not to follow the classroom rules or to behave inappropriately he or she will get an X on the ticket. Depending on the offense, another appropriate consequence may also be handed out. Major instances like bullying, disrespect to teacher or other students, and/or destruction of school property could result in a more severe consequence.

PAX Program

We also use the PAX Program. "The PAX Good Behavior GameĀ® is a powerful evidence-based practice, consisting of proven instructional and behavioral health strategies used daily by teachers and students in the classroom. This universal preventive approach not only improves classroom behavior and academics, but also provides a lifetime of benefits for every child by improving self-regulation and co-regulation with peers. Children, their families, teachers, and society benefit for decades as result. "

Brian Williams came to promote kindness to kick off the year in 2019.

Please make sure you are talking to your child daily about his or her behavior at school.

It is important that children know that there is an open line of communication between their parents and their teacher.