Interscholastic Athletics Handbook


Interscholastic Athletics Handbook

As a participant in our athletic program, all Bohemia Manor High School Student-Athletes represent themselves, their family, their school, their team, their coaches, and their community.

Since we feel our student-athletes are leaders and role models, we expect that they will demonstrate these attributes in the community at large - not to mention in the “athletic arena”.

It is for this reason that I would like to inform you of your rights and responsibilities, as well as the rules and guidelines governing participation in our Eagle Interscholastic Athletic programs.

After reading through this handbook, if you have any questions or concerns, please see me at your earliest convenience. We look forward to an enjoyable and successful Athletic Season!

Have A Great Season,

A. Bruce Kline

Athletic Director


The primary purpose of the Bohemia Manor High School Athletic Program is to promote the physical, social, emotional, and moral well-being of the student-athletes it was created to serve. Our Athletic Program is an important and integral part of the overall positive school experience we strive to provide and is open to participation by all students, regardless of individual differences. We hope that the Athletic Program at Bohemia Manor High School will stand as a positive force in preparing our student-athletes (and student body as a whole) for an enriching and vital role in American life.


Student-athletes must keep in mind that they are always in the public eye and that their conduct will always be subject to the scrutiny of their fellow students, fans, opponents, and the media. They therefore have an obligation to serve as positive role models by showing respect for authority and emphasizing the ideals of good sportsmanship and fair play.

Any display of unsportsmanlike behavior toward an opponent, official, or spectator during the season will result in counseling by the coach, suspension and/or removal from the team and/or school disciplinary action. Any athlete ejected from a contest will be suspended from at least the next contest.


By the very nature of athletic activity, participants are at risk of physical injury. No matter how careful the athlete and the coach are, no matter how many precautions are taken, the risk cannot be eliminated. It can be reduced but never eliminated.

The risk of injury includes minor injuries such as broken bones, dislocations, and muscle strains. The risk also includes catastrophic injuries such as permanent paralysis or even death. Such risk arises from both competition and activities unique to preparation for such competition. Having been so cautioned and warned, it is still my desire to participate in interscholastic sports. I hereby further acknowledge that with full knowledge and understanding, I assume the risk of serious injury to which I am exposing myself by participating in the selected sport.


Academics should be the major focus of every Student-Athlete during the entire school year. Student-Athletes should set a positive example by attending all classes, arriving early, completing all assignments, and making a sincere effort to work to their potential.

At the beginning of each school year, all students entering grades 10, 11, and 12 shall have the status of eligibility determined by the final grades received at the end of the previous year. Any student who receives one (1) or more failing grade(s) (final grades) at the end of the previous year shall be ineligible for participation until grades are issued at the end of the first marking period of the following year.

  • All first-time Freshmen are eligible for the fall season.

  • Year-Long Courses: Eligibility determined by each marking period grade and course grade for the following year’s eligibility.

  • Semester Courses: Eligibility determined by first and third marking period grades and course grades for second and fourth marking periods.

  • Marking Period Courses: Eligibility determined by the grade at the end of the corresponding marking period.

  • All students, regardless of their participation in a winter sport, who become ineligible during the winter sports season, may become eligible for the spring season when the 3rd marking period interim's are issued by having zero failing grades on their 3rd Quarter Interim.


All Bohemia Manor High School Student-Athletes must be in school for a full day, as defined by County Policy, in order to participate in an athletic practice or contest on that day. Any student-athlete at Bohemia Manor High School, who arrives after 9:15 a.m. (or leaves before 1:15 p.m.) cannot participate that day. An exception will be made only if the student has an approved medical appointment or administrative approval.

Any student-athlete suspended from school is also ineligible to participate in any practice or contests during the length of that suspension.


Each member of the team is expected to make a commitment to that sport and sports season. Part of that commitment involves attending every scheduled practice and contest during that season. Any unauthorized absences and tardies will result in counseling from the Head Coach, suspension from a contest, or dismissal from the team.

Continual absences/tardiness may result in suspension or dismissal from the team. Academic work performed after normal school hours will be excused, provided the student-athlete has spoken to the Head Coach in advance and also presents written verification from the teacher.


Student-Athletes should report all injuries to the Head Coach by the end of practice. The Head Coach may then advise the student-athlete to see a medical doctor or the school's athletic trainer. A certified athletic trainer is available five (5) days a week for the treatment of student-athletes.

A student-athlete who has been injured and has had medical treatment cannot participate again until medical clearance has been granted.

Any student-athlete who has been injured will be expected to attend practice to receive further treatment and rehabilitation, as well as to remain informed of team strategies, schedule changes, team updates, etc.

County Sports Zone

Any person with access to the Internet can utilize the County Sports Zone Public Web Site at or by following the steps outlined below. Schedule changes are immediately posted on this site.

  • Log on to Bohemia Manor’s web site at

  • Click on “Athletics” in the menu on the left side of the page.

  • Click on “BMHS Athletic page” at the top-center of the page.

  • Click on “Sports Schedules” on the left side of the page.

  • The school’s athletic calendar for that day will appear.

  • The schedule for a particular sport can be viewed by following prompts on the screen.

  • You can view or print the schedule as desired.

  • You can also sign up for email or text alerts to schedule changes by clicking on "Alerts" at the top of the page.


Your Team Captains are responsible for helping all team members as well as the coaches. They should lead by example and work to keep lines of communication open to all. They must be TEAM people first. Many times they will be in charge of performing specific tasks for the coaches. Be sure you want this responsibility before you accept a captain’s position.


For contests away from Bohemia Manor High School, student-athletes must travel to and from those contests in transportation provided by the school. The only exceptions are in cases of injury to a participant which would require alternate transportation or in cases where prior arrangements have been made, - in writing, between the participant’s parent/guardian and the Head Coach with approval by the principal - allowing that student to ride with his own parent/guardian.

All student-athletes are expected to park in the front parking lot. Student drivers are not permitted to park along side or in the rear of the building. Parking in the rear of the building is reserved for handicapped spectators.


Equipment and uniforms are issued to student-athletes on a loan basis and are to be worn only when authorized by the coach. All items should be returned in a clean condition immediately at the conclusion of the season. If any equipment/uniform is not returned at the conclusion of the season, an obligation will be issued to the student-athlete for its replacement cost. Until that obligation is resolved, the student-athlete will not be eligible for athletic awards, will not receive a report card, and will not be permitted to participate in any further athletic season. Head Coaches are responsible for collecting all equipment and uniforms five (5) days after the last contest.


The use of tobacco, alcohol and/or drugs will not be tolerated! Any violations will be strictly handled in accordance with the Cecil County Public School guidelines. Any Student-Athlete found to be in possession of, in use of, and/or under the influence of tobacco, alcohol and/or drugs will be immediately dismissed from the team.


Student-athletes should padlock all valuables in a locker or secure them with a coach during all practices and games—home and away. Do not share padlocks, combinations, and/or lockers. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen valuables.


In order for any student-athlete to be eligible for a letter, team award, or individual award, it is required that they complete the entire sport season, this includes any post season state tournament contest, as well as attendance at their seasonal awards program.

The Awards Program, which serves as the last official event of that season, is designed to recognize and acknowledge the participation and achievements of the student-athletes who competed during that season. Please keep in mind that this is an awards program and appropriate dress is expected.

The only exception to completing the season would be illness or injury which limits participation. Any student-athlete who quits, becomes academically ineligible, or is dismissed from the team has not completed the season.

Violations of these Athletic Department or Individual TEAM RULES will result in disciplinary action possibly ranging from a warning, dismissal from the team, and/or suspension from school. The extent of each action is at the discretion of the Athletic Director and/or Administration.


Participants in interscholastic athletics will conduct themselves in such a way as to foster an atmosphere of fair play and mutual respect. Fair play espouses striving to win, but not at all costs. Each participant will agree to play within the rules of the game. Mutual respect demands that every player, coach, official and spectator be treated with dignity and respect. Athletes are representatives of their school, community, and the Cecil County Public Schools system the media. They, therefore, have an obligation to serve as positive role models.

Athletes should:

  • Maintain academic eligibility and abide by training rules

  • Show respect for authority and property

  • Emphasize the ideals of sportsmanship, loyalty, ethical conduct and fair play

  • Understand that striving to win is important to success in athletics just as in every facet of life

  • Make a commitment to the team by supporting their teammates and attending all practices and games

  • Be courteous to all participants, coaches, officials, staff and fans

  • Know the rules

  • Abide by and respect the officials' decisions.

  • Win with character and lose with dignity

  • Exercise self control and reflect positively upon yourself, your team and your school


Recent national, state and local media releases have put the spotlight on hazing issues in some high schools across the nation. Hazing, by definition, refers to subjecting newcomers to abusive or humiliating tricks and ridicule, which may result in personal injury. Hazing has many roots; however, it is usually associated with fraternal organizations and athletics.

Hazing is not, and never will be acceptable in the school programs of the Cecil County Public Schools. It is our belief that vigilance will be the deterrent to this ugly issue in our school system. Our position is of non-acceptance of hazing behavior.


In order for the school athletic program to continue to be an educational experience, fans (spectators), like other groups, need to be cognizant of the necessity for good sportsmanship and the means by which it is attained. In recent years many sports fans have lost perspective and have associated the collegiate and professional sports with that of high school programs. Consequently, issues not associated with an educational program have evolved.

All fans viewing high school sports should:

  • Show respect for the opponent at all times. The opponent should be treated as a guest, greeted cordially on arriving, given the best accommodations and accorded the tolerance, honesty and generosity, which all human beings deserve. Good sportsmanship and hospitality are the Golden Rule in action.

  • Show respect for the officials. Officials should be recognized as impartial arbitrators who are trained to do their job and who can be expected to do it to the best of their ability. Good sportsmanship implies the willingness to accept and abide by the decision of the officials.

  • Know, understand and appreciate the rules of the contest. A familiarity with the current rules of the game in recognition of their necessity for a fair contest is essential. Good sportsmanship suggests the importance of conforming to the spirit as well as the letter of the rules.

  • Maintain self-control at all times. A prerequisite of good sportsmanship requires one to understand his/her own bias or prejudice and to have the ability to recognize that rational behavior is more important than the desire to win. A proper perspective must be maintained if the potential educational values of athletic competition are to be realized. Good sportsmanship is concerned with the behavior of all involved in the game.

  • Recognize and appreciate skill and performance regardless of affiliation. Applause for an opponent's good performance is a demonstration of generosity and good will that should not be looked upon as treason. The ability to recognize and acknowledge quality performance without regard to team membership is one of the most highly commendable gestures of good sportsmanship.