Vocational Exploration:

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"

So many people spend their lives trying to find the answer to that question! The only way to truly know is to get real world experience. Kids with complex learning needs deserve vocational exploration experiences just like their peers. They may never find their talents without the right opportunities, so when they express an interest, it's important to explore it!

Baking and Animal Care:

Lately a few of my students have wanted to learn about baking and animal care. We decided to bake dog and cat treats for a local animal shelter. The animals loved them, and the staff at the shelter said that they could use them to reinforce positive behaviors. We can't wait to go back with more!

Small Business:

Some individuals with complex learning needs learn how to operate their own small business. This type of work arrangement offers flexibility with job location, hours, and skills needed for success. Small businesses can also be built around the strengths of the person who is running them. They offer the owner a strong sense of purpose and can be very motivating!

This student has pet chickens at home, and he is responsible for their care. He collects, cleans, and packages the eggs. This has become the perfect environment for teaching him the benefits of small business. He brings in extra eggs for school staff, who can order off of his private website. They purchase the eggs from him so that he can gain experience with counting and handling money. He then uses his proceeds to buy food for his chickens, thus continuing the small business cycle. This student has gained both skills and self-confidence, and has strengthened the home-school partnership with his efforts.