Topic 5: Systems

1)  I can describe the solutions of a system as where the graphs overlap. 

The solution to: { y= 3x -4 , y= -2x +1 } is where the lines intersect, at (2, -1).

Standard: 8.EE.8a

Khan Academy
The Singing Nerd

2)  I can estimate the solution to a system using a graph. 

Standard: 8.EE.8a

Khan Academy
The Singing Nerd

3)  I can solve a system using algebra. 

Standard: 8.EE.8b

The Singing Nerd
Khan Academy
Khan Academy

4)  I can solve story problems using a system of equations. 

Jo bought 4 DVDs and 3 CDs at the discount store for $26.

Since it was such a bargain, Jo went back and bought 5 DVDs and 7 CDs for $46.

What was the price of one DVD?

Standard: 8.EE.8c

Khan Academy