Topic 1: Real Numbers

1)  I can simplify expressions with exponents (even if the exponents are negative). 

Standard: 8.EE.1

Khan Academy

2)  I can put numbers into a variety of scientific notation formats, and I can put them back.

Standard: 8.EE.3

Khan Academy

3)  I can add, subtract, multiply, and divide scientific notation numbers. 

Standard: 8.EE.4

Khan Academy

4)  I can do square roots and cube roots (when the numbers aren't too bad). 

√49 = ?

∛-27 = ?

Standard: 8.EE.2

Khan Academy

5)  I can estimate irrational numbers in order to place them on a number line or to say which is bigger. 

√17 is between √16 and √25, so √17 is between 4 and 5, and very close to 4.

Standard: 8.NS.2

Khan Academy

6)  I can tell you what irrational numbers are, and I can tell whether or not something is irrational

Rational: -7, 3/5, 0.246

Irrational:  π, √2

Standard: 8.NS.1 

Khan Academy

7)  I can turn any repeating decimal back into a fraction. 

Standard: 8.NS.1

Khan Academy