Behavior Policy

Behavior Policy:

Character Traits like honesty, fairness, respect, trustworthiness, responsibility, caring, and citizenship, are all part of good values I expect in our class. If the student is not following class rules which is the basic character traits, the following protocol will be followed.

Intervention 1: Redirect appropriate behavior to meet PRIDE expectations in the form of verbal warning and re-teaching communication privately between the teacher and student.

Intervention 2: Remove student from the situation, discuss behavior and give student a chance to reflect

Intervention 3: If behavior continues student will fill our a reflection form

Intervention 4: Students will email parent (In lower grades, teacher will do this)

Intervention 5: If behavior still continues a parent conference will be set

Intervention 6: Office will intervene and help manage.

Please take this opportunity to talk to your child about the expectations at school and the importance of continuing to demonstrate PRIDE behaviors. With your continued support and involvement, Challenge to Excellence will remain a school where students can excel.

Challenge to Excellence has adapted a new school-wide behavior system called Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports or PBIS. PBIS is framework for maximizing the selection and use of evidence-based prevention and intervention practices along a multi-tiered continuum that supports the academic, social, emotional, and behavioral competence of all students. Our staff came up with school-wide expectations that we in our class will use as a tool for teaching expected behaviors. The acronym, PRIDE, is the format that was decided to present these expectations. The letters in the acronym stand for:






This approach to managing behaviors is a positive one. Students are acknowledged school wide for exhibiting the behaviors that we expect. In 4th grade we will also acknowledge positive behaviors by rewarding students with a raffle ticket. These tickets are turned into our class jars for weekly drawings for a “special” reward.

In the event that a student does need interventions to correct a specific behavior, all teachers will be following the same intervention steps. These steps are as follows: