Executive Session: When and Why

From time to time, Board (and Cabinet) has to discuss issues that are particularly sensitive, or may involve an individual's confidential information.

While the BSC is committed to transparency to our membership, we also have to respect the rights of our members to their own privacy (such as those appealing their terminations to Board). Additionally, there are some issues (such as negotiation strategies, and candid discussions related to sensitive BSC problems) which would be unwise to make public before they have been adequately developed. When dealing with this sort of business, Board (and Cabinet) may option to enter into what is called "Executive Session," (ES). 

Executive Session can either be indicated in advance (on the agenda), or someone can motion to enter executive session. The motion must include the reasoning for entering Executive Session, and ES should last only while that specific item is being discussed. Executive session by default only includes sitting Board Directors, sitting Board Directors cannot legally be excluded from Executive Session. A motion for Executive Session may call for the inclusion of certain others present at the meeting, including but not limited to members and staff. Conversation held inside of ES are private--generally, non-Board members are asked to leave the meeting, and those inside of ES are prohibited from sharing the content of the discussion afterwards. In addition, minutes are not taken, although any motions made inside of Executive Session are public.

In conducting Central Level business, we as students are constantly trying to balance the transparency rights of the general membership with the privacy rights of individuals. Executive Session is a necessary tool for ensuring a safe space for dealing with sensitive issues, but it is one which demands constant scrutiny. If you have any concerns about a use of Executive Session during a meeting, please email the President at president@bsc.coop