Post date: Jan 23, 2018 3:28:53 PM

Chris Kibarian moved from London, England, to Piedmont, Calif., to head YouCaring.com , a crowd-funding platform for personal and charitable causes.

Susan Tenner writes: “The school I cofounded, the Brooklyn Urban Garden Charter School (BUGS), will be at full capacity with grades six to eight next year and is looking for additional board members. BUGS is a community-based charter school devoted to diversity, inclusion, adolescent development, civic engagement, and academic rigor through a hands-on, interdisciplinary sustainability education. The BUGS Board of Trustees is a group of committed New Yorkers.” Contact Susan at susan.tenner@bugsbrooklyn.org.

William Sherman and his wife, Simone Blum, announce the birth of their daughter, Skylar Brooke, born just two days after they moved to Huntington, Long Island. William writes: “Skylar was born weighing 6 pounds, 9 ounces and measuring 19 inches, and she has been growing happily and steadily since.” Contact William at namrehsb@yahoo.com.

Marisa Thalberg was named one of the top five social business leaders by The Economist. She writes: “I head corporate global, digital, and social marketing for the Estée Lauder Companies, a function I created seven years ago.”

Olga Geroulanos-Votis is council cochair of the New York Public Library and chair of Teaching Matters. She writes: “Come see us in New York City.” Contact Olga at 127 East 71st St., New York City 10021; olga@galtind.com.

Alexandra Warsh Steele is an on-air meteorologist on CNN in Atlanta. She writes: “I am married and have a six-year-old daughter named Jagger.”