

Induction Ceremony Photos 

(Coming Soon)

Due to COVID-19 Restrictions in place from March 2020-June 2021, we were not able to meet as a group, but that did not stop us from working together! 

 Zoom meetings, emails and GroupMe messages kept everyone informed about NHS events and service projects.

Food Pantry Donations

In the winter and spring, NHS members answered the call for specific items needed at our local food pantry.  It's easy to help make a difference in our local community!

NHS members put on their smiles to benefit Ann's Place! 

Thank you to:

Brayden, Maathangi, Helena, Ian, Azza

Ben, Lyla, Paul, Jia, Adharsh

Sam, Susan, Katelyn, Chris, Adrianna

Danny, Grace, Emily, Tania and Tanvi