Teacher candidates complete an observation and field experiences, followed by student teaching as a requirement for educator certification.
The last placement is a year-long placement (two consecutive semesters) in the same school and is called a residency. The residency includes both the final field experience (first semester) and student teaching (second semester). If you are not able to have a residency placement, you will still complete your final field experience like you did your other field experiences, and then your student teaching.
Year-long Placement in One School
Semester 1
Final Field Experience
Semester 2
Student Teaching
If you are not able to have a residency placement, you will complete your final field experience like you did your other field experiences and then your student teaching.
Applications for the residency are made available in LiveText at the beginning of the semester along with applications for field experiences and student teaching, and are due by the same deadlines.
If you are employed in a school in a position that matches your major and the certification you are seeking, you might be able to complete your residency in your job setting. Click here for more information about a job setting placement.
Once the residency placement has been made, candidates follow the regular instructions and assignments for field experience in the first semester and for student teaching in the second semester.
The second semester of your residency will be your student teaching. Please click here to see what you should consider ahead of time as you plan for your student teaching.
It is important for you to read the Field Experience Guide in the Field and Clinical Experiences Handbook for more complete information about field experience and student teaching.