Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)

Program Overview

The GATE program provides instruction to identified gifted students in small groups through a pull-out program in Grades 6-8 during the grade level Resource Periods. This program replaces the traditional Resource period with activities, skill building and projects for identified students.

In addition the GT Teachers maintains on-going communication and articulation with their students’ classroom teachers to articulate about core curriculum goals and to discuss each student’s progress and performance in the general academic and gifted programs.

The gifted program curriculum in Grades 6-8 is designed to engage students in self-selected independent study investigations separate from the grade-level core curriculum program. The goal of the middle school program for gifted-identified students is twofold: (1) to challenge, stretch and maximize students’ critical and creative thinking abilities and engage in more advanced level research investigations; and (2) to develop their skills as future leaders who, because of their high level of talent and “giftedness” have the capacity to impact change and make a difference on many levels.

GATE 6 Curriculum

District GATE 6 Curriculum

GATE 7 Curriculum

District GATE 7 Curriculum

GATE 8 Curriculum

District GATE 8 Curriculum