Vol. 1 Issue No. 2(December, 2020)

Vol. 1, Issue no. 2: December, 2020

ISSN: 2582-659X

Published on December 30, 2020
‘Shell-sprinkled beach’: Life; Death; and Water in ‘Mrs Dalloway’ Shrestha Chatterjee pp. 90-94


Focusing on the vivid image of water in Virginia Woolf’s novel Mrs Dalloway, I argue that Woolf establishes a modernist aquatic mythology and uses it to explore central concerns of identity and self hood. Water that simpers underneath her texts acts as a vessel for life, comingling effectively both life and death. Through a reading that is centred largely on a eco-critical understanding, I posit that it is in the use of such imagery that Woolf’s high modernist vision is realized.
Keywords: Ecocriticism, Modernism, Imagery, Virginia Woolf.

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An Ecocritical Study of J.M. Synge’s Riders to the Sea and the Shadow of the GlenSayantani Ghosalpp. 95-98


The purpose of this paper is to present “the wilderness” of nature and how it affects the culture in J.M. Synge’s Riders to the Sea and The Shadow of the Glen. The idea of wilderness, signifying nature in a state uncontaminated by civilization is the most potent construction of nature available to New World environmentalism. Wilderness has an almost sacramental value; it holds out the promise of a renewed, authentic relation of humanity and the earth.
This is an attempt to show that individuals’ attitudes in certain contexts are conditioned by the forces of the environment they inhibit. Both these plays selected in this paper reveal that Synge recreates and records the contemporary life of the island less in the journalistic and objective frame. While Riders to the Sea presents a tragic vision of life, The Shadow of the Glen perfectly blends the tragic with comic. Here the sordidness of the situations lightens the comic effect. The journey of life in the island presented in Riders of the Sea results in death and loss and The Shadow of the Glen is coloured by disappointment and dissolution.
Key Words: Ecocriticism, World Environmentalism, The wilderness (deserts, oceans, uninhibited continents), The Scenic Sublime (forests, lakes, mountains), The Countryside (hills, fields, woods), The Domestic Picturesque (parks, gardens)

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Fiber Optic Communication Systems: A Brief OverviewTilak Mukherjee, Kushal Roypp. 99-103


In recent times, optical fiber communication technology has progressed considerably with continuous exploration of emerging technologies to support more bandwidth, higher data rate and improved security along with reduction in losses. The optical fiber communication system has remarkably low loss and is reliably capable of meeting the demand of massively increased information traffic with minimum number of repeaters in its link. In this paper, we discuss broadly about optical fiber technology theory, types, working principle with its various merits and demerits in the application scenario. Single- mode graded index fiber has been mainly analysed in comparison to multimode fibers and it has emerged as the most efficient means of broad band signal transmission offering distinct advantages. The possible consequences of both linear and nonlinear effects of the optical fiber and other limiting factors that predominantly influence the performance of propagation attributes have been discussed which are reasonably relevant to the thrust areas of optical engineering ,photonics and fiber optic devices.
Keywords: Optical fiber, Single –mode graded index fiber, TIR, WDM, Bandwidth, Dispersion, Nonlinearity.

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Biometric Security System in Vehicle StartPuja Kumari, Tilak Mukherjee, Kushal Roypp. 104-108


This project paper aims at designing a Biometric Security System to start vehicles. For owner identification, a fingerprint recognition-based identification system is used. Fingerprints are considered to be the efficient method for biometric identification. They possess security, unique for every person and do not change in one’s lifetime. Fingerprint recognition is a mature field of interest today, but still identifying individuals from a set of enrolled fingerprints is a time-consuming process. Improvement in the fingerprint identification system for implementation on large databases e.g. of large numbers of vehicles etc.is a challenging part of modern technology. The issue of vehicle hijacking or car theft due to easy access to vehicle’s functional system can be considerably reduced using a biometric system. The starting of a vehicle's engine involving the necessity of protection and access restriction in many luxurious assets is very important. Biometric systems have served as a strong security system in many different applications including the automobile sector. It relies on specific data about unique biological traits in order to work effectively. This technical system involves running data through algorithms for a particular result, usually related to a positive identification of a user or other individuals. The signals are generated by the Arduino to the appropriate module circuit. This system was implemented in ARDUINO UNO, LCD SCREEN, ONE CHANNEL RELAY MODULE, R305 FINGERPRINT SENSOR and analysis of our one -to -many identifications.
Keywords: Fingerprint Sensor(R305), Relay module, Biometric Security System, Vehicle, Arduino, LCD, Push Buttons.

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Insight into Nanotechnology Enabled Intervention to Mitigate COVID-19 PandemicAnal Mandal, Sriparna Depp. 109-117


ARPANET was developed by the US Military for a computer to computer communication between various US Defence Research establishments and Laboratories. Further, development of an advanced form of quick communication between the various authorities led the world to step into the first kind of digital age. But as the saying goes “Every action has an equal and opposite reaction” USSR responded by letting its premier spy agency KGB infiltrate the ARPANET and steal the researches of the US Military and it is said that they succeeded into it. Thus the concept of cyber security came into play and after it as the Internet went global more and more, countries began to join the fray of developing their cyberspace for their military and civilian uses. In the age of digitalization, cyberspace is now open for civil uses too rather than military only. But as things came with their pros and cons, Cybercrimes emerged as a potential challenge to deal with. In order to prevent the cybercrimes, civil or military infrastructure began to get digitalized. As regards the internet, the need for cyber security began to grow to protect the very interests of the nations. As the globalisation of the digital age grips the world major developed and developing nations, India is not far behind in this context.
Keywords: Cyberspace, Cybercrime, Cybersecurity, Cyberwarfare, Cyberattack.

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An architecture of a web based application on emergency servicesSandip Kumar Nayak, Santanu Ghosh, Agraj Dutta , Sayantan Bhowmick, Suraj Kumar Jha, Dr. Rajesh Bose, and Dr. Sandip Roypp. 118-124


Emergency never happened by giving any hint.In reality,observing such emergencies and to resolve them is a toughchallenge. Emergency services are government agencies whose job it is to respond quickly to emergencies when they arise, including fire-fighters, police, and ambulance service. We need these services which ensure urgent stabilization of the situation and transport to definitive care. In this project, we have introduced a web application which provides an overview of all emergency services and which can be accessible by everyone24*. Some of our new features are intelligent detection of heart rate, nearby blood bank and from the police station to the fire department all in one place.
Keywords: Emergency services, Web application, Intelligent detection, Blood bank.

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Satyajit Ray: The Man of DelineationSayan Sarkar pp. 125-133


Whenever the career of Satyajit Ray is discussed, it is always about his films. But he also left his mark as an illustrator and artist, a facet still unknown to many. His book cover designs to book illustrations; his portraits to his invention of new typography; these are all world -class creations. Most of the original artwork has been lost. A few copies of the original are found here and there. This paper tries to analytically break down his artwork and origin and tries to offer a glimpse of Satyajit Ray’s majestic works of art to the world.
Keywords- Satyajit Ray, Illustrator, Calligraphy, Painter, Graphic Designer

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Human Resource Management and Its Aspects in LibrariesHafijull Mondal pp. 134-141


Human resources area unit the foremost important resource in any library as all the opposite resources can be utilised solely by the employees of the library. A significant portion of the budget is typically spent on the employees of the library. So as to produce best services, it's essential to own well trained and extremely motivated employees to form effective use of the resources of the library and to satisfy the strain of the community. The operations of a library need to be a team effort which needs shut operating relationship between all members of library employees. It is thus important that employee’s carries out the tasks associated with their skills and qualifications. It is a wasteful use of this scarce resource if extremely qualified library personnel do solely routine or clerical library functions. Similarly, for constant reason, it's not necessary to own a extremely qualified bibliothec in all kinds of libraries in spite of size and alternative activities.This article presents a range of relevant and useful study of human resource management to provide a successful modern service at the library of 21st century
Keywords: Human resource management in library, Importance and function of HRM, Manpower planning, Job description, Staff manual, Leadership and performance evaluation.

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Development in Commerce and ManagementSwatick Majumderpp. 142-146


In this Paper we will know the introduction to commerce and management, how it basically evolved, how much it has developed over the time both in terms of Management in in organisation and commerce relating to small medium enterprises and start-ups. Not everything has some positive side there are also some negative sides that you will read in this paper also both in terms of commerce and management combined how both has affected the people as well as the economy in total and how the remedies are take into action and at last will be the conclusion of how it’s all important and helped us over the course of the years.
Keywords: Business, Organisation, Management, Commerce.

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Protect Women but Stop Harassing Innocent Men TooJoy Sharmapp. 147-153


Dowry and Cruelty Laws which were originally meant to be acting as a shield but as the days are passing by; a dangerous trend of misusing these laws is being witnessed in our society. Husbands, their innocent and aged parents, relatives, bed ridden family members are being dragged into and severe harassment is being imposed emotionally, mentally, financially and physically too. There had been many such cases where the entire family has committed suicide for such misuse. Article 21 of the Indian Constitution guarantees Right to Life and Personal Liberty. But when this right gets infringed then a human being is completely broken both mentally and emotionally.
Keywords: Hindu Law, Misuse of Dowry, Cruelty Law, IPC 498A, Law of Contract.

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Principle of AnimationAditi Karmokar, Rishav Dasguptapp. 154-168


Animation is basically a graphically representation of our life. To create the animation just like our real life, there are basically 12 Animation Principals. With the help of this principals will become more realistic, easy and smooth. By this documentation we are going to learn these principals uses and advantages.
Keyword: Stretch and Squash; Staging; Straight Ahead Action and Pose to Pose; Follow through and Overlapping; Slow in Slow out;

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Web Browser and its new dimensionTanupriya Biswas, Subham Changripp. 169-173


A web browser is a software application which we use in daily life to search for new educational materials, knowledge, and research purposes. A web browser is usually shortened as “Browser”. Web Browsers are used primarily for displaying & accessing websites on the internet. We can even get access to video, music, document, etc., downloaded in our computer to use the browser as a media player we don’t need any kind of 3rd party application for playing pieces of stuff. Now a days Web browser come with various interested software modules which make the experience of browsing really interesting.
Keywords: Browser-editor; Web Browser; Extensions; Grammarly; Blogging; Dashboard

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Rainwater harvesting technology for water conservative meansPijush Mallick (Invited Paper)pp. 174-177


Now-a-days it’s a big issue worldwide where the deficit or scarcity of drinking water becoming challenging and thus saving of rainwater followed by converting it into potable water is an alternate approach. In general, water conservation means using of less water or recycling used water so that it can be used again. It ismuch important because water conservation helps in saving energy, protect wild animals, and prevent people from using so much water that it cannot be replaced with rain. In the other hand, less water usage means more savings and by saving water, one can reduce the water bill too. The technology of rainwater harvesting for even drinking purposes are discussed here. Three tier filtration technology using gravel, sand and charcoal is used to remove the possible contaminations and reach optimum other traits of the treated potable water.
Keywords: Roof-top rainwater, Re-use of rainwater, Storage model, Water recycling

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Biological control strategy of mustard aphidDr. Sayantan Ghosh, Bijay Palpp. 178-183


Mustard aphid Lipaphis erysimi is one of the most serious threat to the Indian mustard. Several pesticides are used to minimize the severity of aphid attack every year, which is not biologically safe according to many. There are reports that, L. erysimi can be managed in a biologically safe manner, using some aphid tolerant cultivars as well as by the use of some natural enemies this pest attack might be controlled. It is also highlighted in this article that, this bio-controlling of mustard aphids is safe to ecosystem and non-expensive for Indian farmers.
Keywords: Mustard aphid; Lipaphis erysimi; Indian Mustard; Bio-control; Aphid tolerance; Biologically safe.

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Apiculture for better economy return of the rural familiesBijay Pal, Dr. Nirlipta Sahapp. 184-189


Bees are type of social insect. They colonized in groups. They build their nest on tree branches or cornices and live in them. They are divided in three castes and their homogeneity id very clear. The worker bees build their nests by the bee wax secreted from their bodies and they collect the nectar of the flower and convert it into honey in their body. They store this converted honey in a wheelbarrow. But bees can be nestled in specially designed wooden boxes. The establishment of bee colonies in this type of box for the purpose of collecting honey and bee wax is called bee keeping or apiculture.
Keywords: Honey Bee, Honey, Wax, Extraction, colony, sugar.

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Household hygiene and sanitation in rural and urban area: Special emphasis on covid19 pandemicBani Kumar Pathakpp. 190-193


The provision of safe water, sanitation and waste management and household hygienic conditions is essential for preventing and for protecting human health during all infectious disease outbreaks, including of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in both rural and urban. Hygiene and sanitation approaches are needed to prevent the transmission of microorganism directly and indirectly. Indians faced great challenges namely urban area density, air pollution, and smokers, low hand washing habits, low access to clean water and drinking water, open defecation behavior, limited personal protective equipment. Pandemic control policy with the hygiene sanitation approach is carried out with 4 factors namely personal protect equipment, health education, personal hygiene, and sanitation.
Keywords: contagious disease, covid19, household hygiene, sanitation, disease transmission.

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