Instructions to put books on hold, renew books or see what books you have checked out.

Go to Jackson County's Follett Destiny Homepage and choose Ripley High School.

Renewing a Book

Click on MY INFO to see the books or resources checked out. You should be able to click renew it if it is the first renewal. If that doesn't work, come see Mrs. Cox in the library.

Putting books on HOLD
1) Use the Catalog to search for the book you want to check out.

2) Once you have found the book you want, click on the title of the book.

· On the far right hand side click “HOLD IT”.

· A message will automatically be sent to me to let me know you have put a book on hold.

3) After I review the HOLD and the book is available for you to check out, I will email you on your BOE.JACK.K12 email address to let you know the book is ready.