eBooks/Audio books

The RHS Library Card Catalog (Follett Destiny) provides easy access to Follett eBooks and audio books from home, the classroom or anywhere with access to the internet. 

Start by logging in to your account.  Go to Jackson County School's Follett Destiny Homepage and choose Ripley High School.

 1. Search for a book by title, subject, or author in the card catalog. Results will include any eBooks/audio books.


 2. Click on Destiny Discover in the left menu of Follett Destiny.

Once you find an eBook or audio book you would like to check out, simply click Checkout.

You can checkout and/or download Follett eBooks and audio books to computers and select mobile devices with the Destiny Discover app.   Note: You are unable to download the app onto your MacBook, but you can check out the eBook and read it on your internet browser.


Project Gutenberg is a site that offers eBooks that are no longer protected by copyright in the USA. 

For detailed instructions on downloading books to your mobile reader, consult Project Gutenberg's How-To Guide.

Jackson County Public Library:  If you have a library card for the Jackson County Public Library, you may check out ebooks through WV Reads, which is accessible on the JCPL site (jackson.park.lib.wv.us). The platform for accessing these eBooks is OverDrive, Inc.  Scroll down to access an OverDrive Help section on the WV Reads site. The "Libby" app is also available for eBooks from the public library.

Bartleby.com allows you to access a large collection of free literature, poetry, and reference material online.

BookBub: Great deals on best-selling eBooks.  Free and discounted eBooks at https://www.bookbub.com/home/