Get User

The below API is used to get user detail from User Management.

Request: GET

Signature: /api/mobile/GetUser?Token={Login_Token}&UserID={User_ID}

Sample: /api/mobile/GetUser?Token=VomYEMiECFFyAQ3==&UserID=TOM



"Code": 1,

"Info": "",

"RowsAffected": 0,

"Scalar": null,

"Identity": 0,

"RetInfo": {

"Data": [


"Type": "Field",

"Name": "User ID",

"Value": "TOM",

"Active": true,

"IsEditable": false,

"Code": "UserID",

"DataType": "Text",

"Remarks": null,

"MultiSelect": null,

"ListValues": null



"Type": "Field",

"Name": "First Name",

"Value": "Tom",

"Active": true,

"IsEditable": true,

"Code": "FIRSTNAME",

"DataType": "Text",

"Remarks": null,

"MultiSelect": null,

"ListValues": null



"Type": "Field",

"Name": "Last Name",

"Value": "Masivoh",

"Active": true,

"IsEditable": true,

"Code": "LASTNAME",

"DataType": "Text",

"Remarks": null,

"MultiSelect": null,

"ListValues": null



"Type": "Field",

"Name": "Email(s)",

"Value": "",

"Active": true,

"IsEditable": true,

"Code": "EMAIL",

"DataType": "Text",

"Remarks": null,

"MultiSelect": null,

"ListValues": null



"Type": "Field",

"Name": "Mobile",

"Value": "+254713555603",

"Active": true,

"IsEditable": true,

"Code": "MOBILE",

"DataType": "Text",

"Remarks": null,

"MultiSelect": null,

"ListValues": null



"Type": "Field",

"Name": "Two Factor Auth",

"Value": "None",

"Active": true,

"IsEditable": true,


"DataType": "Text",

"Remarks": null,

"MultiSelect": null,

"ListValues": "None;Email;SMS And Email"



"Type": "Field",

"Name": "Roles",

"Value": " Operations",

"Active": true,

"IsEditable": "False",

"Code": "ROLES",

"DataType": "Text",

"Remarks": null,

"MultiSelect": null,

"ListValues": null



"Type": "Field",

"Name": "SMS Updates",

"Value": "No",

"Active": true,

"IsEditable": true,

"Code": "ENABLESMS",

"DataType": "Boolean",

"Remarks": null,

"MultiSelect": null,

"ListValues": null



"Type": "Field",

"Name": "Mobile Tracking",

"Value": "60",

"Active": true,

"IsEditable": true,


"DataType": "Number",

"Remarks": null,

"MultiSelect": null,

"ListValues": null



"Type": "Field",

"Name": "Office",

"Value": "Mombasa",

"Active": true,

"IsEditable": true,

"Code": "OFFICE",

"DataType": "Text",

"Remarks": null,

"MultiSelect": null,

"ListValues": "Mombasa;Nairobi;Port Louis"



"Type": "Field",

"Name": "News Updates",

"Value": "Yes",

"Active": true,

"IsEditable": true,


"DataType": "Boolean",

"Remarks": null,

"MultiSelect": null,

"ListValues": null



"Type": "Data",

"Name": "Per. Address",

"Value": "",

"Active": true,

"IsEditable": true,

"Code": "ADDR",

"DataType": "Text",

"Remarks": null,

"MultiSelect": null,

"ListValues": null



"Type": "Data",

"Name": "DOB",

"Value": "25-02-2019 06:30",

"Active": true,

"IsEditable": true,

"Code": "DOB",

"DataType": "Date",

"Remarks": "",

"MultiSelect": null,

"ListValues": null



"Type": "Data",

"Name": "Permanent Location",

"Value": "Mombasa",

"Active": true,

"IsEditable": true,

"Code": "MS",

"DataType": "Text",

"Remarks": "",

"MultiSelect": "1",

"ListValues": "Mombasa;Kenya;Nairobi"





Things to know about this API:

    • Token - You can use Login API to get token displayed under Info
    • UserID- You can use Get User List API to get UserID
  • Possible Values for Type in RetInfo:
      1. Field (User details mentioned on the header section.)
      2. Data (These are the additional data fields that are added to User Management.)
  • Definition of each attribute in RetInfo for Field:
  • Definition of each attribute in RetInfo for Data: