Get Depot list

The below API is used to get Depot List from Geography & Structure.

Request: GET

Signature: /api/mobile/GetDepotList?Token={Login_Token}&CountryCode={Country_Code}&Search={Search_Keywords}&SkipCount={Skip_Count}

Sample: /api/mobile/GetDepotList?Token=VomYEMiECFFyAQ3==&CountryCode=KE&Search=&SkipCount=0



"Code": 1,

"Info": "",

"RowsAffected": 4,

"Scalar": null,

"Identity": 0,

"RetInfo": [


"DepotID": "IM788xN7jbUeBsNZr-I=",

"DepotCode": "MBA00",

"DepotName": "Mombasa - Direct Trucking"



"DepotID": "IM788xN7ERsfMMF-XD0=",

"DepotCode": "MBA02",

"DepotName": "Mombasa - Makupa CFS"



"DepotID": "IM788xN7CVL27ifg2AE=",

"DepotCode": "NBOICD",

"DepotName": "Nairobi - ICD"



"DepotID": "IM788xN7xSsstHnp60Y=",

"DepotCode": "NBO00",

"DepotName": "Nairobi - Direct Trucking"




Things to know about this API:

    1. Token - You can use Login API to get token displayed under Info
    2. Country_Code - You can use Get Country List API to get country code displayed under GeoCode
    3. Search - You can search with Parent Name, Depot Code and Depot Name
    4. Skip_Count - It is an integer which decides the number of rows returned. For example: If you send 0, then it will display 0 to 20 rows. If you send 13, then it will display 13 to 33 rows.
    5. RowsAffected - Displays the total number of depots found.